4. Not Alone Anymore

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Your eyes jerked open, and sweat trickled down the side of your face while your breathing was ragged. Your eyes filled with tears, and you lifted your arm to wipe your face.

"What's wrong?" A cold voice sounded from next to you. It was obvious who it was: Sesshōmaru. He didn't sound or look particularly caring, just curious. You sniffed.

"Just... Just a dream..." You mumbled. God, you must have looked pathetic. A demon? Crying? Who's ever saw a demon cry? You sat up wiping your eyes again and tried to collect yourself. Your eyes were red and puffy. "I'm going to go have some time alone..." Was all you could say as you walked off to the edge of the hill nearby. You sat down gazing at the endless amount of stars scattered across the night sky. "Mother, father, I hope you're watching over me..." You whispered to yourself. You hugged your knees to your chest and let all your tears out. You couldn't let Sesshōmaru and the others see you like this, but why should you care what he thinks?! He's just some fancy, fluffy dog demon! Sure he was attractive, and he did choose to save you instead of letting you die, but you didn't think of him like that... Did you?

"I don't like him, do I!?" You shouted aloud.

You slapped yourself to snap yourself out of your thoughts, and let out a big sigh. You felt a presence behind you. What if it was Naraku?! Your mind instantly went to the worst case scenario. You could die, just like your father, or like your mother. Images flashed into your head.

S p l i t I n T w o

You swiftly spun around, gripping the Japanese styled fan you used to create plants and flowers with. You were sweating heavily, and you'd went into full panic mode. It wasn't Naraku, it was Sesshōmaru. He stood behind you calmly, while you showed aggression and fear to him—you were scared. You saw his eyes widen a fraction before returning to their normal size. Your grip on your fan loosened and your muscles relaxed. You sighed and wiped your eyes yet again.


"Agh!" You let out a surprised scream making him glare at you a little. Talk about a late reaction... He didn't really have to speak, his eyes just told you 'what the hell was that?' without him even saying it. You cleared your throat.

"Sorry! I did say I was coming here alone! And how much of that sentence I said before did you hear?" You asked, turning from slightly annoyed to sheepish. You face heated up. He still said nothing and just answered with a snide remark.

"You're not the only one who wants answers here," he said glaring at you. "Most people would be grateful after being saved." Could you take that as he didn't hear it? You smiled warmly, actually comforted by his stubbornness. Just for the record, it was partially his fault you ended up the way you did.

"Sorry, thanks for saving me. I just... Ugh..." You couldn't form the words. You took a deep breath. "I had a dream to back when I was a little kid. That half-breed bastard Naraku killed my parents years ago. I just haven't gotten over it completely yet..." You muttered, hatred in every word of mention of that murderer.

"Seems everyone has a grudge against that disgusting half-breed," he said in a matter of factly tone. "You should travel with us." You let out a small gasp of shock. You looked up at him, and his eyes seemed to look caring for at least a second or so. Your face turned bright red, and you had to break the gaze. What was wrong with you?! You'd almost forgot he wanted an answer, and he was still staring down at you.

"S-Sure..." You muttered, and with that, he walked away leaving you with your thoughts again. You thought of him more than a friend didn't you..? You sighed and grasped your head in your hands, still blushing profusely. Nevertheless, you smiled.

You weren't alone now...


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