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After talking to Cas, Dean couldn't stop his mind from wandering. He couldn't wait. Being with Cas made all of the crap go away. It made Dean forget about his dad leaving, forget about the stress from his jobs, forget about paying the bills, and forget the pain he still felt from the loss of his mother.

Dean wanted to spend every second of his time with Castiel, and hoped that Cas felt the same way, too.

But what if he didn't? There were rumours that Cas was queer, but no one knew for sure.

Dean himself wasn't even sure of his own sexuality, let alone Castiel's. Even though Dean felt strong feelings for Cas, he had also had feelings for Lisa. Those feelings were wearing away, but he once had them. It had felt like love, but it didn't compare to what he felt for Castiel.

As soon as the bell rang to end the school day, Dean bolted to his locker. He gathered his things and waited by Cas's locker. He waited for what seemed like forever, but when he checked his watch, it was only thirty minutes.

"Are you waiting for Castiel?" A small redheaded girl asked.

"Yeah," Dean answered.

"He left early," the girl informed Dean. "Charlie, by the way. Charlie Bradbury."

"So you're Charlie," Dean nodded, putting a face to the name he had been hearing.

"That's me. Cas talk about me?" Charlie smiled. Dean nodded.

"D'ya know why Cas went home?"

"Why, you guys got a hot date or something?" Charlie teased. Dean felt the tips of his ears go red.

"No w-"

"I'm only kidding, Dean. Besides, I wouldn't care if you did. I mean, I would care- Cas is my best friend. Speaking of which," Charlie took a step forward, so that she was in Dean's face. Dean stiffened up, not sure of what Charlie was going to do. "If you hurt him, in any way, I will personally come and beat the crap out of you. Got it?"

Dean tried to hold back his laughter. Even though she was trying, Charlie couldn't pull off dangerous or scary. "Got it."

"Good. Peace," Charlie held up a Vulcan Salute with her hands as she walked away. Dean smiled. Charlie seemed like a nice girl.

Dean walked to his car, kicking every rock he saw. He didn't exactly have a plan for after school, he just wanted to be with Cas. Why had Cas gone home?

Dean decided to go check up on him. He hadn't exactly been to Cas's house before, but he knew which one it was. Dean stepped inside of the impala and drove to Cas's house.

When he got there, he saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway. He also saw Castiel sitting on the couch, talking to someone. He couldn't see the man's face, because his back was turned to the window. The curtains were covering the person, but Dean could definitely tell it was a man. The person put his hand on Cas's face, making Cas smile.

Dean sighed deeply and drove away. Cas blew him off to hang out with some guy. Maybe that some guy was Cas's boyfriend. It couldn't be. Cas definitely had a crush on Dean, that was clear. But that doesn't really mean he's not in a relationship. He could just like Dean, even though he was in a relationship.

All of this thinking about Castiel made Dean's head (and heart) hurt. He decided on going to the bar, getting a drink, and maybe finding a girl.

Sex always seemed to take Dean's mind off of things; didn't matter who with. Just had to be someone Dean was attracted to. And it wasn't that hard to find a willing participant. Dean knew he was good looking, and he used that to help him get all of the crap off of his mind. There was a ton of crap, so Dean had a ton of sex. Maybe that was why Cas stayed a little distant even when they were close- he probably thought Dean would use him and lose him.

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