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"Your over 18 right?" Bryson asked as I shifted in the brown leather chair that was in his office.


I was confused. Why did he want to know my age and why did it matter if I was over 18. Omg what if he's an axe murderer or something. So many thoughts were running through my head at the moment.


"Wha- I mean..Uh yes Mr.Tiller" damn it.I only been interviewed for 3 minutes and I was already making a bad impression.

I sat up straight and answered his question even though I heard nothing he said. "You didn't hear a word I said did you" I nodded my head in agreement I knew I wasn't getting this job.

"What makes you want to work for me? Is it my fame! My money! You can't even listen to me as I talk to you, but you want to work for me".

Bryson was 100% correct I couldn't even listen but I want to work for him. "Honestly Sir, I read your article for vogue magazine. Your a hard working man with a daughter to take care of, you inspired me. To see a black man take pride in himself and to come from a very rough background without giving up, and had a broken relationship you inspired me; you made me want to help.

He licked his lips which I noticed had a peck of pink on them; which made me assume he smoked.

"You wanted to help?" I nodded my head. "Yes, I believe I can help you with your life".

"I don't need help with my life I'm doing fine. I have money to feed and clothe my daughter I can afford a roof over our head. Last year was a different story but right now I can take care of myself and I will continue to take care of myself".

I was taken back from what he said. "Mr. Tiller I didn't mean to offend you I meant I can help you with things that you can't really do in example; while your on tour I can be handling your flights and hotel rooms, things of that nature".

"That's what my manager is for" honestly this man was not making it easy for me. "Well I can help your manager with things that benefit you, you know what I mean!" I spoke proudly.

I knew I would get this job now. "Then why didn't you get an interview with my manager. Your supposed to be helping her out right".

"Look Eva this interview isn't going anywhere and I believe you have a shot at something in life just not as my assistant".

My heart literally sank. I know this man did not just let me down, okay I know I messed up at first with the not listening thing but I recovered.... I think.

"Bryson please! Just give me a chance. I applied for over 8 jobs this week and they all rejected me please just give me a chance" I begged.

Bryson looked at me and I knew he could tell I was sweating bullets " I don't know ma-"

"Bryson please! I'll show you that I'm the girl for this job I promise just please give me a shot" I shot him my puppy dog face hopping it'll actually work.

"Are you seriously giving me puppy dog eyes right now? He asked as he shook his head. "Yes" I said a little too happy. "Alright man you got the job, but one little thing that you start slipping on your gone and I mean it".

I could have seriously kissed him right then and there. I was so happy I got the job as Bryson Tiller's assistant, now it was the matter of keeping my job as Bryson Tiller's assistant.

"Come in tomorrow at 8 sharp we have a meeting tomorrow with my manager. I'm telling you Eva if your late I'm firing you and I'm doing it with no remorse".

"Okay Bryson I will I promise"

"It's Mr.Tiller to you Eva"

"Alright sorry Mr.Tiller" I laughed. "Mr.Tiller can I call you Bryson please I feel uncomfortable saying Mr.Tiller, I feel like I'm calling you daddy or something I don't know I just-"

"We'll I can be your daddy if you want me to hey I'm just saying" my mouth dropped I couldn't believe he really just went there. "Bryson are you serious omg you have no chance anyway" I laughed.

Bryson had the most serious face expression like what I said was a challenge. "Don't test me Eva" he said as he walked out the room.

I didn't know what to do. What to say . All I could do was walk out the room and go home because I had a early morning.

Hey guys pls vote and comment

I would like love it if you guys can give me feedback

I'm excited for this story so vote and comment and I'll keep updating for you guys.

There will be more coming soon with Eva and her working ability. So far it's been rocky.

Let me know how you like Eva and Bryson's interview!!!!!

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