Chapter 13

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McKenzie's P.O.V

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, Derek and I not wanting to talk to each other. I could sense the sadness rolling off of him waves, along with a hint of jealousy and anger. We finally arrived at the old bus depo, but before I could get out Derek locked the car doors and turned to me.

"I suggest you stop using Stilinski as a pawn in your game, because he's going to end up hurt, and it'll probably end up being by me. I've caught onto your little plan, and just let me say, it's a smart plan, but it's not fool proof. If you wanted me back, all you had to say was three magic words. Just three words and everything would have been back to the way it was," Derek finished and unlocked the car, jumping out and striding to the old bus depo confidently. I jumped out after him and shifted, my clothes ripping in the process. I didn't care though. It was only an old pair of jeans with an old shirt. I bounded up behind Derek, nudging his thigh.

I'm sorry. I just didn't want to look weak, is all. I wanted my promised, but I wanted you to feel how I felt first. I really am sorry. And, I love you, for all its worth.

I didn't wait for his answer, I simply ran inside and came face to face with three teens, one of them being the blonde bitch herself. I growled at her and flashed my eyes orange. She cowered away and I let loose a wolfy smirk.

"Now, now, Ze. Play nice," Derek taunted, walking inside. A confident smirk was playing on his lips, and his eyes were blazing with determination. "She is part of our pack after all."

I glared at him, but he simply sent a wink in my direction. I huffed and ran back outside, grabbing my phone off the ground and running back inside. I found an empty glass and made sure it was dry, before yipping at Derek, signalling for him to come over and help me.

Derek P.O.V

I heard a yip from behind me, and turned around to see Ze looking at something on the floor, then look back at me. I realised it was her phone and walked over to her.

"What is it?" I asked, looking down into her orange eyes, only just noticing the ring of blue around the pupil.

Her wolf itself was around four foot nine, so it was still smaller than me, and Ze, in human form, was only just taller than it. Her grey fur, I noticed, was getting darker every time she shifted, probably so she could blend in with the shadows better.

She looked at the phone and nudged it towards me with her nose, then started pawing the ground. I think she wanted me to turn on her phone or something. I quickly slid the open button across and realised she had a passcode. Four numbers.

"What's your passcode?" I asked her, genuinely curious. She tapped on the floor with her paw. "Count the paw taps?"

She yipped in answer and sat down. No taps.

"0." She nodded her head and then tapped the ground seven times. I nodded, signalling I had put it in. Then once, and once again.

"Your passcode is my birthday?" I asked, bewildered. She looked down at her paws like they were the most interesting things ever. I smiled warmly and then put the phone down.

"Now what?" I asked her. She started wiggling around and moving her paws. "Are you – dancing?"

She nodded and then nudged the glass.

"You want a drink because you were dancing too much?"

She shook her head and then tapped on the music app on the phone with her claw, only nothing happened.

"Oh," I realised. "You want me to put music on?"

She nodded and watched me as I put her music on. Damn she has good taste. I clicked on 'Kids in the dark' by All Time Low and watched as she turned the volume up loud and put it into the empty pint glass, amplifying the sound and making a make-shift speaker. She nodded to the music and I got back up to put everything in place. She realised I was setting up an assault course type of thing and grabbed Isaac's t-shirt, dragging him to where he needed to be. Isaac was smiling at her and petting her head. I pushed down the urge to growl when Ze looked over at me, the twinkle in her eyes pushing all anger out of me. She 'smiled' at me and bounded over to me, jumping over the obstacles and even running under an table before jumping on me, sending us both crashing to the ground. She licked my face, before getting back up and motioning to the two betas who were looking anywhere but at us. I smiled down at her and scratched behind her ear. She was almost purring. I suddenly heard footsteps, and I know she did too since she took a defensive stance. Her stomach was on the ground and her hackles were raised. Her ears were flat on her head and growls ripped through her, so strong and full of dominance that even I had to step back. Suddenly, a very scared Boyd emerged from the top of the stairs, staring at Ze like she was about to attack. When she saw who it was, she relaxed and bounded over to him, rubbing her head on his leg before sniffing him, memorising his scent. He smiled and petted her head before nodding to me and showing his neck in submission. Damn, he wasn't even full shifted yet and he was already more obedient than the other two. He got down on his knees and bared his neck to Ze, who nipped his shoulder affectionately, and also to pronounce him as part of the pack. A growl ripped through me as she was nipping him, but a hard glare from her shut me up immediately. She nudged him back and sat him down on the stairs so he wouldn't get hurt, especially since he couldn't heal yet. 'Kids in the dark' finished and 'Something's gotta give' came on, again by All Time Low.

"Alright then," I said, clapping my hands together in front of me. "The aim is simple. Get me down to the floor. You three will work together as a pack to take me down, but you also have a huge advantage 'cos you have Ze, who, as you can see, is a warrior wolf, a powerful one at that. She's fast, strong and fearless, so use her wisely and at the right time."

I quickly moved into my position at the end of the boxes and Isaac set off. Ze was drawing something on the ground with her paw and Erica was nodding along, somehow understanding what she was saying. I smirked at how well they were getting along.

Don't listen in please

I heard Ze's voice in my head, and saw her looking at me expectantly. I nodded my head and turned around focusing on the dripping of the pipes.

"Okay, all done," Erica said, signalling for me to turn around and for us to begin. Isaac put on a determined face and ran towards me, flipping over a table, jumping on a crate and then jumping off of a wall, aiming straight for me. I pushed him to the side and he fell down to the ground. He got straight back up and jogged to the beginning. He did the exact same thing around four times, before he stayed down. I heard breathing from behind me and whirled around just in time to see Erica jumping from the top of one of the old buses. I threw her down next to Isaac and turned away from them.

"Does anyone want to try not being totally predictable?" I asked exasperatedly. I turned around, only to be jumped on by Erica. Next thing I know, she's kissing me. I quickly pushed her off of me, only to be met with Ze jumping on me, pushing my shoulders. I wasn't aware of the teenage boy laying behind me, and I fell over him. I fell to the ground, and Ze jumped on my chest, yipping to me and waging her tail. I laughed at her silly antics before looking at her.

"So, this was your big plan?" I asked. "Even the kiss?"

She nodded her head proudly and ran into the bus I was staying in. She emerged a minute later in one of my shirts. Isaac whistled at her and I growled at him, silencing him immediately. Ze smiled at me before her phone dinged, signalling she had a message. She ran over and read it.

"Shit," she muttered, before shifting and running out of the station, her phone clutched between her jaws. I shrugged my shoulders before turning to Erica.

"That's the last time you do that," I said sternly.

"Why? Because I'm a beta, or because that mutt gets you?"

"She is not a mutt," I shouted at her. I resisted the urge to punch, so instead I clenched my jaw, hoping to not break my teeth in the process. "And it's because I have someone else in mind for you." I walked away into my bus and stripped into my boxers, quickly falling asleep on the makeshift bed, also known as the backseat of the bus.


Hey everyone. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in ages, but I'm hoping this long(ish) chapter will make up for it.

And Derek got hay stacked, so that's always fun to write about. I don't really know what to write about this one. Only to go check out Allies, which is a Sterek (BoyxBoy) story. I've posted the first chapter already and I think some people will like it.

Alright, this is it from me until the next update. Thanks for reading, make sure you comment, vote and share. Cheers 


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