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I walked into Jensen's house seeing tall built men around the living room. But I wondered why is Jensen friends with nice built men if he wasn't as built as them, but I ignored it cause you can be friends with anybody. Jensen introduce me to a all of his friends they were all nice and chill. "One more Monica." Jensen said as we walked back out side.
"Nice shirt." Jensen said while laughing, I look at my 52 jersey of the green bay packer. I smiled back and respond to jensent comment
"Your just mad we beat you guys." I said hitting him he chuckled.
"That to but someone that I have here kinda involves with the team." He said winking at me.
As we walked towards the back yard seeing two tall men by the grill cooking.
"Fellas I have a friend here I like you two to meet." They both turned around and I was in shock Jared was there and clay... Matthews from green bay packers.
"Nice shirt." Clay said laughing a bit.
"Hey I would come a bit dressed if I knew jensen had told me he brought his whole high school class." I said laughing at jensen. As clay and Jared were laughing there ass off.
"You know what, you should stay. Have a meal with us." Clay said with a glow in his eyes.
"Of course." I said smiling to him.
They walked in and I was right behind them, the only person who knew my big crush on Clay was Gerald and my mom.

They boys gathered everything up and we started to eat, some boys in the living room, and some in the kitchen eating and I sat there with them.
"Anyone sitting here? I looked up and saw Clay with a smile on his face.
"Nope its all yours." I said looking at him but then back to my plate of food.
"So how's your day going?" He said looking at me.
"Not good, just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me I was hoping I would find a place to stay for awhile, since the place will be pack."
I said looking at him, he no longer had a smile on his face.
"Monica your boyfriend is dumb for letting you go, if its alright with you, you can stay at my place." He said staring at me. We continued staring at each other for awhile. I nodded and smiled as he smiled as well with a arm around me. Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea.

Gerald POV
I walked into the house seeing mostly everything was gone. And it freaked me out. I walked around looking at all of Monica's stuff was gone making me feel the anger through my body. Someone took away my monica, I looked around for her but she wasn't here. Then I found a note on our bedroom door.

All this time it was just a lie, you helping me to "recover" was for you to do tour dumb shit like before I lost my memory, but guess what I remember everything and your playing the dumb one. But its whatever have fun going back to your old self, I hope you find a girl you can settle down with but that won't be soon cause I was one of them and so is this Devon chick. Never leave your phone here. But have a good fucking life when one day someone is gonna do the same shit to you. Can you fall in love??

Fuck I said as I slid my hand threw my hand.
"You okay baby?" Devon said
"Let's get a hotel room baby." I said as we walked out from the house.
We got into a hotel room and devon saw my anger and asked about it. And I showed her the note.
"Well damn." She said as she was walking towards me.
"She's just a dumb bitch I decided to have a relationship with." I said while looking at her.
Come to bed she said and I did and I let me anger there.

Monica POV
After Jensen's party me and clay left and went to his house. I thanked jensen for everything. Clay got into his car and I got into mine, as I let him lead the way to his house. After maybe a 45 min drive we finally get there and damn his house was really beautiful. I parked in his drive way and got my suitcases and went inside.
"Welcome to matthews casa." He said
"Thanks for letting me stay here." I said as he just gave me a smile.
"Let me show were you'll be sleeping." He got my suitcases and showed me the way.
"At least let me have one." I said trying to get my bag.
"No can do your the visitor, I must have some respect.". Clay said winking.
"Says Clay matthews." I said while laughing. He opens the door and shows me the room. And I thanked him for everything.
"Goodnight monica." He aid while he kissied my forehead. And left I floop on the bed, thinking am I already moving on?

These next few chapters are going to be really good meaning so much drama. You guys thought Monica was going to be with jensen huh? But I made some changes gerald what do you think about this chapter?

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