chapter 8

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zephyr pov

things seemed to have moved faster than i had anticipated, shes already got the necklace, its not like she will know what it fully means, but what it means to me is that things have being going on for too long now. but i did know for sure is that if i didnt sort things out with her friend, then her friend will be her downfall. so i now need to deal with her. i saw the same lady who had loaned me the stable yesterday and thought that she might be able to help, i went to approach her but was stopped by a violent vibrating, the sound of my sudden halt caused her to look up, i nodded in acknowledgement instead of going over.

as much as i wished the vibrating to stop it would not unforntatly, i patted down my pockets to try and find which one it was coming from. bloody combats. i saw the name on the display as i finally found my phone, uncle lyo, geez checking up on me already uncle...

"salve uncle, hows things your end" i leant on cobolts stable door as i spoke, twidling my dog tags in my fingers as i did. i had left kyra to get changed, i now wore black combats, a white vest and my dog tags finished off with military styled boots, it was too hot to wear much more and even in the nothing that i wore i was still melting.

"things are well thank you zephyr" i noticed that his tone was formal, i hated his formal tone

"this isn't a friendly call it is uncle? i spoke with a dull tone

"you know why i have called, hows the situation going?"

"well you sent me, you should know what the situation is"

"zephyr stone! don't you dare take that tone of voice with me. you and i both know too well the long term effects.

"yes uncle" i replied, cutting him off, i didnt want to be reminded of what would happen if we failed.

"right. now that we have that cleared up... what do you have for me?"

i placed my foot on the door underneath me to comfort my position more but didnt let go of my dog tags. "weelll... lets see... best friend hates me... she has the necklace and the ex is back to cause shit but apart from that not much to be honest..." i was expecting some fat arse reply but didnt't seem to get one for what seemed like ages until i practically lost my hearing 

"how the hell have you managed to do all that!! you've only been there... what... 3 days!"

i squirmed slightly at his sudden angry response but was quick to stand up for myself "let me explain lyo, one... she took a dislike to me from the first moment we met... two... things are worse then we thought and three there was an incident with an ex of hers which meant i was going to tell her... i was ready to until her friend went off on one" i could here him sigh down the phone

"jesus zephyr, can you not do anything right first time?"

"back off uncle! im working on her friend, we've dealt with her ex before and..."

"and..." he pushed for me to continue

"i never gave a necklace yet she still has got one..."

"dont worry about that.. just watch the time"

"i know uncle... two weeks i presume its been going on and even thats too long... i know how dangero..." it was then i saw the lady from earlier leant on the corner of the stables watching me and probably listening aswell, god only knows how long she was stood there for and how much she heard... " errrr uncle.. i gotta... later" i didn't bother waiting for him to respond as she was already walking towards me. i couldn't speak quick enough to explain as she beat me to it.

"i think we need to talk mr stone" she turned on a 5 pence and headed towards the toilet/lounge building with me following obiedently behind.

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