Untitled Part 1

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Rachel's POV:

I wake up precisely at 6:00 am, I do this so I have enough time to go through my moisturizing routine and to look cute of course.  My dads, yes dads, bring up a piping hot cup of coffee in my golden star mug.  I thank them and lay out my outfit, it's perfect, a purple sweater with a white panda on it and a matching purple and white plaid skirt, today is going to be fabulous.  It's the first day of sophomore year of course, and I have to make a good impression on everyone in the school.  A loud honk interrupts my thoughts as I grab my book bag and trot down the stairs saying my goodbyes to my fathers.

I walk out of my door and onto my patio to see Finn waiting in his blue truck.  He waves to me and I run over to his car.  Finn is my bestfriend and before you ask, no we have never dated and nor will we ever, we are the best of friends and closer than anyone I have ever met, we're closer than Barbra Streisand is to Broadway.

"Hey, Rach!" Finn greets me with a huge smile.  I missed his smile so much, even if we haven't seen each other in less than 24 hours. 

"Hello, Finn," I respond, "Are you excited for today? I wore my lucky sweater because I feel it is going to be an astonishing year!" He laughs at me for a bit until he responds.

"Yeah, I am pretty excited for today, and you look beautiful by the way," he smirks through his charm. For my response I just hit him in the arm, knowing that he is joking.

As we pull up to the school, I see everyone from last year, everyone who made my freshman year a nightmare.  Finn must have sensed my nervousness because the next thing I know he's rubbing my hand telling me that I am Rachel Berry and I am not scared about anything or anyone.  I'm happy he believes in me, but I am scared, I'm scared they will reject me and torture me, I can't go through that again!

Finn and I stride into school with each other closely by. We stop at both of our lockers when I see the most popular and prettiest girl in WMHS approaching us, Quinn Fabray.  I hated her last year, she told me some pretty horrible things and she made me hate myself. 

"Hey Finn, Rachel," Quinn says and her voice going down at my name, "I was wondering, Finn, if you wanted to hang out after school today? Maybe come back to my place and uh, study," she asks with confidence and a smirk at the end.

Finn looks at me and all I can do is nod, I know he has been crushing on her since the sixth grade, and now is his chance. "I would love too, Quinn," He responds with a ginormous smile.  I know I shouldn't be jealous of this, but its like she's taking my best friend since birth away.  After Quinn walks away, Finn turns to me and tells me that he'll see me later and gives me a half hug.

At lunch I sit with some of my fellow glee clubbers including Kurt, Tina, Mike, Mercedes, Blaine, and Sam, I was waiting for Finn to come sit next to me, I couldn't wait to tell him all about my day. I see him walking out of the lunch line, he smiles and starts to make his way over to us when some cheerios stop him and make him sit down.  I can't believe he didn't sit with me.

Buzz. Buzz. my phone is vibrating and I check to see a text from Finn, 'Sorry, Brit and Q made me sit with them, catch you after school?' I just respond 'yeah that's fine.'  Since when did he get close enough to them to call them nicknames? oh that's right, he hasn't!


"Rach! Hey, wait up a sec, I need you to help me get ready for my date with Quinn," he says thinking nothing's wrong. I stare at him in disbelief for a second until I just nod my head yes. "Great!" he yells pulling me into a bear hug.  Honestly, I don't think this day could be any worse.

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