Chapter 20

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The room had no windows. And I never understood why anyone would construct a room with no windows. The air was musty and it was hard to breathe. I wondered how people could even come into this room and feel comfortable. There was no escape in the room and I squirmed in my place. It was unbearable. It was a pretty spacious room but it felt like the walls were closing in.

I could hear Dr Martin's voice in my head, telling me that it must be because of my claustrophobia issues.

There was a black bookshelf filled to the brim with books I've never seen before and a desk beside it, with a computer, a table lamp, a few files and an office chair. A wooden coffee table with a few magazines stacked on top of it was in between a long white couch and a black chair. Two cups of coffee was placed at each ends of the table. I stared at my plain white mug and studied the handle. It had little embroideries on it. Those you'd see engraved on the buildings in Paris. It was pretty for such a simple mug. Too bad pretty things are the most fragile.

" So how have you been?" A voice brought me out of my daze and I faced the woman who was sitting on the black chair, across from me.

" You're kidding me right?" I felt myself flaring up. Stupid and redundant questions never failed to test my patience.

" Mia, if you want to recover, you got to give this a shot." Brenda said, not even slightly faced by my tone.

" I don't like you." I spat out.

" We can get another therapist for you."

" How about letting me go home and not coming here ever again? Oh and a tip: get some windows." I rolled my eyes.

" Alright then. Let's start with some basic introductory. I'd like to know you more." She gave me a small smile.

" Well there's not much to me. I tried to kill myself thrice and failed so now I'm here seeking 'help' because I'm a depressed and suicidal kid. Happy?" I snapped.

Her calm demeanor faded and I could see her jump in her seat at my words. That gave me a little sense of satisfaction.

" Family wise?" She looked at the questions she had written on her notebook.

" Dysfunctional."

" Okay. So how's school?" She asked.

" Boring. I don't really attend much of it anyway."

" Then what do you do? Any hobbies."

" Reading, smoking and drinking coffee." I tilted my head to the side and studied her. She was sporting her tight French bun and she looked prettier than she did when I first saw her. I looked at her hand. No ring. " You're not married." I thought out loud.

" Yes." She glanced up from her notebook that she had been scribbling in, probably about how uncooperative I was, " Do you always observe people like that?"

" Says a lot about them."

" Interesting. Anything else to add on?"

" You're rich no doubt." I pointed to her Hermes bracelet she was wearing. " And you bit your lip a lot." Her lips were chapped and I could see teeth marks even though it was coated with red lipstick.

" You're quite the observer. Now tell me more about your friends." She said.

" They're nice." I said bluntly. I wasn't willing to let this stranger know anything about me.

" I need a little more description, Mia. Like names." She pressed on.

" Ashton and Javier." I hadn't talked to Javier as much as I did before ever since the incident at the hospital. I had been ignoring his calls and texts – I didn't know how I should face him.

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