Chapter 11

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After that nightmare, I spent the next three days at home. I refused to get out of bed, let alone leaving the house. Ashton tried to call me a couple of times but I told him that I wasn't feeling too well.

I was always thinking about it. Always replaying the entire thing in my mind. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't help myself. The dream had felt so real but I knew it wasn't. It was way too frustrating. The thing that I couldn't get over most was what they had said. A part of me didn't believe it but an even bigger part of me did.

The only things I did were smoking, getting wasted, crying and sleeping. And of course, listening to sad music. I just wanted to be alone.

" You haven't popped by my office, like you'd promised to." Dr Martin said when I picked up the house phone.

" Sorry, it slipped my mind." I answered.

" Care for afternoon tea?" He joked, attempting but failing miserably at his British accent.

" Can't." I forced out a laugh.

" Well, clear up all your schedules. It's at three." He said matter-of-factly.

" But I can't." I pressed.

" Can't or won't? Ciao." And with that, he ended the call.

I groaned and kicked at one of the legs of the coffee table. The last thing I needed at the moment was he grilling on me on my personal life. I glanced at the clock and cursed inwardly. I only had an hour to get ready and I looked like some homeless lady.

I had a hard time covering up the smell of cigarettes and vodka but I did a pretty decent job. The strong aroma of coffee hit me as I entered the homey café, which was a block away from Dr Martin's office. It was a small café filled with businessmen and women.

" Mia, good to see you again." Dr Martin greeted me professionally and extended his hand for a shake when he saw me.

" Pleasure." I rolled my eyes and sat down opposite him.

" Got you coffee." He ignored my attitude and smiled graciously.

" Thanks." I mumbled. Even after taking countless of mints, my breath still reeked of alcohol and nicotine.

" So, Mia. What have you been up to?" He asked casually.

" Dr Martin, we're not having a session right now. Why don't you save the chitchat for my next visit? Tell me why do you really want to meet me." I said bluntly. My patience was running out and considering how my past few days had gone I wasn't in the best of moods.

" I'm concerned. And not just because its my job but I can see what you're doing. You've stopped taking your medications, I suppose." He replied, lacing his fingers together.

" How'd you know?" I questioned. It freaked me out when he would magically possess the deduction skills of Sherlock Holmes.

" Oh please, Mia. I can smell you a mile away. You stink of booze. And cigarettes." He laughed.

" It doesn't matter if I'm drinking or not, okay? It doesn't matter if I'm taking my medications or not." I deadpanned and folded my arms.

" It does. A very crucial detail, may I add," he said, switching back to his serious doctor mode.

" Well, to me it doesn't." I challenged him.

" Young lady, you have to take them. And taking them means no booze." He sighed.

" Fine, I'll take them. Now are you done? Because I have to go." I lied and left the café in a hurry.

I got home in no time and was more than surprised to see Ashton standing in the middle of the living room.

" Hey, I've been trying to reach you." He sounded worried and tired.

" Sorry I was out." I gave him a faint smile as I went to the kitchen.

" You're still jumpy. Everything okay?" He asked and sat on the kitchen counter.

" Yeah." I nodded my head and made myself a cup of coffee.

" No you're not." He said wearily.

I stopped what I was doing and stared at him with blank eyes. I hadn't expected that and I was already having a bad day, no, a bad life and there he was telling me something I'd never wanted to hear in a million years.

" If a person goes MIA for a few days, it doesn't necessarily mean something' wrong." I gave an exasperated sigh, not bothering to try to hide my annoyance.

" When I first saw you, I knew something was different about you." He started explaining.

" Everyone is different." I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah but you're something else." He insisted.

" Look, I've had a long day. Why don't you go back home and spend time with your family?" I grumbled.

" Is this what this is about? Family?" He asked, getting frustrated of guessing.

" No! I just want you to get off my back alright!" I yelled. Realization set in and I felt disappointed with myself for losing my temper that easily.

I didn't dare to meet his gaze so I adverted my attention to the steaming cup of coffee in my hands. I heard the shuffling of feet and the slamming of my front door.

Then and there, I knew that I had lost a friend.

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