Chapter 7

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It was the day.

I groaned as I locked my car and approached the front door. I glanced at my watch; 5.37pm. I sucked in a deep breath and opened the door, bracing myself for the worst.

I scanned the living room and as expected, a middle-aged woman was sitting on the couch, typing rapidly on her laptop. She hadn't spared me a glimpse even though I was a hundred percent sure that she had heard the front door slammed shut.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet my mother.

I cleared my throat to get her attention but her eyes were still glued to the screen. I stood there like an idiot and at some point I got tired of her shit attitude so I just went to my room, using ever ounce of energy to slam the door shut. Maybe that'll get her attention, although unlikely. I was sure that even if aliens invaded the Earth, she'd still be on the couch doing whatever work she'd been assigned.

It felt like we were strangers living under the same roof. I hadn't seen her in person for months and that was how our little reunion went. It wasn't like I was expecting her to welcome me home from school with opened arms and a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies but a simple ' hello' would've been fine.

Sometimes it really ticked me off that she was always in her own little world but other times, I was grateful for her being so busy all the time. Still, I was sick of being treated like I was invisible especially by my own family member.

After the long day of avoiding getting knocked down by my inconsiderate and intolerable schoolmates and my mother's extremely annoying behavior, I threw myself on my bed. Exhaustion overcame me and I slept, forgetting how tiring the world could be.

I must've slept for an hour or two and I could've slept a little while more if a certain someone hadn't intrude. I heard my window being pushed opened, followed by a series of items being toppled. The cold air that rushed in through the window and the continuous noise of things being knocked down awoke me.

I sat up from my position and rubbed my eyes groggily. In front of me were the one and only Ashton Parker, squatting down and attempting to put my scattered belongings back in their places. From the looks of it, it seemed that a hurricane had came in and wrecked my belongings while I was sleeping. Even my coat rack was lying on the floor for goodness sake.

" What the fuck?" I yawned.

" Good morning, princess. You seem awfully cheery today. " He greeted, sarcastically giving me a bright smile.

" Explain." I ordered. 

" Well, I sort of, might have, possibly, most likely, knocked down some of your stuff when I was entering your room through the window." He dragged on and looked down at his feet, as if he'd been caught red-handed for stealing some priceless jewelry in Tiffany's.

" You could've just used the front door." I gave him an exasperated look. He knew better than to awake me when I was sleeping.

" But that'll be no fun." He pouted. 

I rolled my eyes and helped him clean up the mess that he made. After everything was in place, I asked him, " How'd you get up here anyway? It's the second floor."

" I used a ladder." He shrugged. Whatever was going on in his mind – I didn't want to know. Anyone in the right mind wouldn't climb a ladder to sneak into someone's room on the second floor. " We're going on an adventure, come on." He said excitedly and gestured towards the window.

" I think I'll take the stairs. Like a normal person." I rolled my eyes.

" Suit yourself." He called out as he climbed down the ladder and disappeared.

I shook my head at his ridiculousness and headed downstairs. Realizing that my mother had probably already left for work, I left the house without bothering to give her any notice.

" Where are we going?" I asked Ashton as I got into his car.

" Dinner." He shouted over the blaring music.


" You're late." That was the first thing my mother said to me when I came home after having dinner with Ashton. 

" Didn't think you'd notice." I retorted.

" Young lady." She sighed and ran her hand through her hair as if talking to me stressed her out more than her job.

I raised a brow at her. I was seriously getting sick of her attitude. She had no right to barge into my life and leave as and when she liked. In my eyes, she wasn't fit to be a mother.

" Anyway, we're having dinner tomorrow at one of the restaurants near my office. I'll have my assistant to text you the details. Don't be late. Now, off to bed." She dismissed before directing her attention to her laptop again. I had been gone for four hours and that woman was still working.

" Goodnight." I replied and stalked upstairs to my room without waiting for a reply. I could feel my blood boiling and steam shooting out from my nostrils, exactly like those cartoons.

I plugged in my earphones and blasted music into my ears until I fell asleep. It looked like it would be a long day tomorrow.

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