Bandits & Marauders

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I walk down the corridor, hearing a snap from a corridor to my right. I go in with the Bandits to find greasy haired boy and a redhead arguing. I get a bit closer in time to hear the boy shout a word that should never have to be heard. 

"MUDBLOOD," he cried at her. I walk right up to him and slap him across the face. 

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let you say that word," I say like I haven't just bitch slapped him. I turn on my heel to look at the redhead, who's looking shocked. 

"H-he is my friend. Why did you slap him?" I snort at her words. 

"Correction. He was your friend. Now we're your friends. I'm Amethyst, call me Am, this is Lavender or Lav, Plum, and Violet. We are the Bandits" I gesture to my friends. 

"Awfully kind for some bandits." She looks at our necklaces and the scar on my arm that spells "BLOOD TRAITOR" in my uncles wobbly handwriting. 

"Slytherin pureblood no less? Why are you being so kind?" She asks, curious.

"We have all been called names, we were made fun of at the muggle school we went to. Our families either couldn't or didn't want to take care of us, so away we went to boarding school. Nobody should have to put up with people calling them anything they're not."

"Oh.. But if we're friends, when will we be together? I'm in Gryffindor." I hand her a charm and a bracelet.

"Knock on this with your nail in this rhythm and we will come. If you ever hear 'name' needs help in the 'place' in your head, go to that place ASAP." I show her the pattern of taps (think of the Masters drums from DW.). She nods and walks away. 


As I am walking down the hall for transfiguration, I am so very unfortunate as to come across the Marauders, laughing about some joke, which is probably a shitty one. I shrink my height a bit and try to blend in.

"Star! Come here, Little Star!" I hear the arrogant voice of Potter call. It's a lot less intimidating to call someone by their last name when their last name is Star.

"What if you just had a bit of fun? With his hair? I'm thinking a bright purplish-magenta" the low female voice comes out of the back of my head. Opal. I love her. I walk straight towards the pricks, but right before I get to them, swish my knee length braid and turn, smacking Potter and Black. It took me a while, but I mastered the no-handed hair swish. With the right amount of head tilt, speed, and usually my leg giving it a boost, I can pretty much lasso a calf with my hair. Yes, this is what I think about in my spare time. No, it's not weird. (Okay, maybe a little weird).

 I sit at my desk to see both the boys with braid-shaped red marks on their right cheeks come in. I almost laugh. In transfiguration, we're practicing color-changing spells. I grin, and in the middle of her lecture, change Potter and Blacks hair to the aforementioned bright purple. 

"Yes, exactly like that Miss Star. Perfect example of changing hair colors!" The oblivious professor congratulates me. I laugh slightly, as everyone looks at who's hair I changed. The Arrogants as I call them are looking for the person with the brightly colored hair. Realization dawns on their faces and they look at me.

"You did this!" Potter spits.

"Took you long enough" I roll my eyes.

"You will pay, Star!" Black snaps. I cover my mouth with my hand slightly in faux shock.

"Oh my gosh, did I ruin your gorgeous hair? I would never do that! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize! Let me turn it back," I say to Black, who's sitting in the front row. I take out my wand and, making sure that I get all the hair you can see from the front, keep the back bright. I also decide to have a bit more fun. Well, Opal decides. I use nonverbal magic to make it short-real short-in the back, carving "I ♥️ JANE WAY" in bald spots. Jane Way is some Ravenclaw girl with zero personality other than books. He turns to Potter, who nods.

Bandits-Marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now