The Tall Boy Who Smelled Like Cigarettes and Mint

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Okay gimme a minute to explain.

So I published a few parts years in the future because I got bored of the story. Well, now I think that's a shitty ending, and I skipped over most of the interesting bits with them falling in love and that good shit.
I will still re publish those, but I want to fill in the huge gap.


I wake up with a splitting headache. Pieces of memories flash through my head- firewhisky, a tall boy who smelled like mint and cigarettes, tripping in my too-high heels.
Why did I wear them again?
To impress Black.
Black. Oh, fuck Black. He's an ass, with no respect for anyone who isn't in the Bandits or Marauders. He treats women like conquests, and I will not be some boy's conquest.
So why do I want him so bad?
Am breaks me out of my thoughts by shoving me into the bathroom. "Take a fucking shower, you hungover slut!" She shouted at me.
I do as she says, tying my hair up in two buns on top of my head and pulling on a pair of ripped jeans and a dark purple tank top, before grabbing my leather jacket as we leave our dorm to hang out with Lily in her common room.


I sat upside down on the armchair in the Gryffindor common room, kicking my sparkly silver Doc Martins in the air (yes I own sparkly Doc Martins, Thine says they're loud but I say they're fabulous). Something small hits my knee, stinging hard. It bounces onto the floor. I feel another hit my lower thigh, and see a muggle rubber band bounce onto my tummy. Another one hits the bun on the left side of my head, then one on the right. I loll my head back to see an upside-down Black sitting on a sofa with a ball of the bands. I roll my eyes at him. A band hits me straight on my left boob, and I lurch at the pain.
I throw my feet over my head, landing on my feet, facing the chair. I spin on my heels to face Black to see Lily furiously whispering something at him as Potter tries to pull her into his lap. I see him whisper something like 'well what now?'.
"RUN!" Lily yelled, and he jumped up, bolting into the corridor. I chased him despite the snickers from my five best mates.
I chase Black into a dead end. He turns to me, fear plain on his face.
"I'm so sorry Lavender, I didn't mean to, I aimed for your shoulder, and I just missed and- God," his silver eyes widened, "please don't kill me, please Lavender, please."
I continue to advance until I can smell him, just barely. Mint and cigarettes.
I feel as if a train has hit me. My turquoise eyes widen. He was the tall boy who smelled like cigarettes and mint.
I turned and ran.


Lavender bursts back into the Gryffindor common room, looking slightly sweaty.
"Not chasing Black?" Plum asks without looking up from her book.
Lav just breathes heavily and runs up the stairs into the girls dorms. Thine, Plum, Lily, Violet, and I follow her.
She's sitting alone on Lily's bed, her hands on her head.
"Why?" She asked, "Why didn't you say that he- he was Black?"
I say nothing. I have no reason why, I suppose I just didn't want her hoping it meant something to him. I guess she guesses my thoughts.
"I don't need protecting! I snogged Black, and I doubt he even remembers! And now I'm- I'm in his womanizing tractor beam! I promised him that we wouldn't get together and he did the same to me! He's arrogant but smart, I'm an idiot! Or I'm at least dumb enough to fall for him! We're so fucking different! We can't be in the same room without making a mess of rubber bands and hormones!" She shouted.
Lily burst out laughing. "I'm sorry- hee hee- I just- hoo- you and Sirius and you are so- fucking- perfect! I mean, you're just- GAH! I can't believe you think he'll actually hold up that promise! Fuckin idiots!"
"H-he won't? But why would he like me?" Lav stuttered.
"Well, you're funny, you're smart," Thine started.
"You're pretty, and spunky," Plum added.
"And you're a badass. Almost as bad as me!" I finished.
"Okay," she said more confidently, "I'll go get what I want, I won't sit here any longer."

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