The War Part 3

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So, four Slytherin girls, the Bandits, are, like, hot. Like really hot. Like Padfoot fawns over them. Pretty girls. We're in the Great Hall, for breakfast. I'm reading my book, Prongs is fangirling over Lily, Wormtail is worrying about something, Padfoot is sucking face with some girl. Big surprise. A breakfast burrito lands on Padfoots head. Melted cheese is all over his hair. Oh God, I need some popcorn. He actually lets go of the blonde, and I see Lavander Night standing at the Slytherin table, her wand out.

"Sorry Black, but we're trying to eat." 


"Mhmm, that's what you said last time. And the time before. And the time before that. But here we are, unpranked." The Bandits all stood up.



Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I may or may not have Wingardium leviosa'd an extra-cheesey breakfast burrito onto Black's head. What? He was snogging RIGHT THERE! At least I have the class to snog in a broom closet. 

I walk down the corridor to see majestic platinum blonde hair in front of me. I run up and grab them on the arm. He turns toward me, full bitch face mode.

"Yes?" He drawls emotionlessly. (Is that a word?) 

"Your hair's really pretty." I tell him.

"Well I'm not cutting i- did you say it's pretty?" He's surprised and it's hilarious!

"Yeah, what's your name?" I smile.

"Lucius Malfoy. You?" Aww, he's cute!

"Lavender Night. Nice to meet you, Luscious." I walk away, before he can correct me.

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