Liner, for lack of a better title

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I sit on top of the stairs to the Gryffindor girl's dorms, reading my muggle novel.
Below me, is the most ultimate staring contest of all time.

Lily managed to get Sirius and Lavender to sit on opposite sides of the same couch. She's now in the bathroom.


I glare intoe stormy grey eyes of Black, which are rimmed in black liner, with a perfect little flick at each corner.

It might just be my inner emo (I know emo isn't a thing yet but it's my book shut up), but I've always found it appealing on boys.

And he wore it well.

"Ugh." I muttered finally, rolling my eyes.

"What?" Black asked.

"Your eyeliner." I retorted.

He seemed to rear up, as a startled horse would. He sat up straighter and raised his eyebrows, his eyes widening, accentuating his seemingly flawless liner.
"Excuse me?" He seethes.

"Your eyeliner." I repeat. He seems to become even more furious. "Stop wearing it. It's fucking with my head."

"Well it's not my fau-" he starts to rant.

"I'm not supposed to be attracted to a Marauder." I finish.

He sits for a beat, stunned. Then he throws himself across the couch, toward me.
"Sorry about all the mean stuff I thought about you for a second," he mutters, before I prop myself onto my elbows, closing the space between us.

He tasted like cigarettes and mint, too.
His hand runs itself through my hair, my hand finding it's way to his waist.

"I'm bac- oh!" I hear Lily say. Black and I break apart, staring at her with deer-in-headlights facial expressions. "Finally!" She shouts, running into her dorm, dragging Violet along with her.

"So.." Black whispered, ducking his head back down to kiss me again, but I turn my head so he gets my cheek. I look back up at him, not moving my head. He looks hurt, but he pushes himself onto his arms, giving me room to sit up.

"I-" I start, "I don't want to get hurt." By now, he's backed up, so we're sitting crisscross applesauce facing each other.

"But do you like-" I cut him off.

"Yes, I like you. Of course I do." I sigh.

"Then what's the problem?" He asks, his brows knitted together.

"You're Sirius Black. Troublemaker, heartbreaker. I'm Lavender never-had-a-boyfriend-in-her-life Night. I'm a virgin." My voice cracks slightly on the last one, my eyes starting to tear.

"I understand." He says immediately.

"You do?" I asked, tears threatening to spill.

"Of course I do. You're a virgin, you're not someone who'll give that up only to be thrown away a week later. That's respectable. What you do with your virginity is none of my business, unless I take it." He cracks a smile at the end.

"Doubtful," I mutter, one tear landing on my eyelash.

"No, no, no," he rushes out. "Don't cry. You've got nice liner too." He reached out, wiping the tear from my lash. "Damn. You do have nice liner. Where do you even buy silver sparkly eyeliner?"

"A muggle shop. Maybe I'll take you sometime?" I ask, praying that my own winged eyeliner hadn't been ruined.

"I'd like that," he smiled.

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