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 xxXfandomqueenXxx TAGGED ME SORRY. Let's get this over with.


Age: 13

Height: 5' ish

Tattoos: none yet

Pets: 2 cats and a brother

Favorite shows: DW, Supernatural, Fairy Tale, The Librarians, Phineas & Ferb (don't judge)

Hobbies: Dungeons & Dragons, books, fanfic, Netflix, drawing, I play viola 

Favorite color: PURPLE! And black is a second 

Favorite season: Autumn

Religion: Pagan or Atheist I don't know

Eye color: brown, sometimes with green depends on the lighting

Hair color: anywhere from strawberry blonde to light brown, depending on the season and how recently it's been washed. I'm gonna get a purple streak.

Favorite things: Food, fandoms, books, chocolate, purple

Favorite subject: Ummm... Everything sucks right now.. In general, creative writing or reading

Broken bones: nope. But once I jumped off a flight of stairs and almost cracked my head open! Fun!

Favorite book: LOTR/The Hobbit, Rangers Apprentice, Redwall, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, The School for Good and Evil, The Land of Stories... 

Exotic pet: currently none, but I have had a scorpion and 2 ferrets.

Birthstone: Amethyst 

Favorite jewel: emerald (SLYTHERIN FUCK YEAH)

Morning person or night owl: night owl. 

My victims:





Katherine that's what you get for not updating.

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