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I wonder if they know about Quartz's new job...

He's replacing Slughorn as potions master, for a few years.

He's only like 20, and he's a professor at Hogwarts! Also he always flirts with my 16 year old friend. 

And she flirts back! Although I'm pretty sure it's joking because they can barely keep a straight face after. 

Today is his first day, Slughorn wanted a few days to let everyone "settle in, settle in". 

I see his unmistakable blonde hair coming down the hallway. He arrives to my Banditas and hugs me.

"Sister. Sisters nerd friend" he hugs Plum, "sisters weird friend," he hugs Violet, "sisters new friend" he ruffles up Thines hair, "sisters hot friend," he hugs Lav.

"You're looking handsome as ever, Quartz" She grins lopsidedly.

"As are you." He smiles stupidly. She snorts.

"Glad to hear I'm handsome. Also what are you doing here?" He gasps and puts his hand on his heart dramatically, looking at me.

"Did my dear sister not inform her dear friends of her dear brothers new job as dear potions master for their dear school of Hogwarts?" He says, all in one breath. 

"No" I reply nonchalantly.

"What?" The other four say.

"Umm girls this is Quartz my big brudder, he's 20 and the new potions master!" I exclaim.

"Professor Lee" he corrects.

"Professor Lee my ass, Quartz." Lav snorts.

"Well, I'd better be on my way. Bye sis, sis's nerd friend, sis's weird friend, sis's new friend. Bye, beautiful." He pretends to kiss Lav, and walks off to the Great Hall. I roll my eyes. 

Black walks up, looking somewhat confused and slightly hurt.

"Lavender? You have a boyfriend?" He gestures toward the Great Hall. We look confused for a minute before laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Me an-and Quartz? A- HAHAHAHA- couple?" She asks through fits of laughter.

"Umm yeah I heard 'bye, beautiful' and saw him kiss you so...." He trails off. By now we've stopped laughing.

"Quartz is my big brother. They play-flirt. Also why do you care?" He blushes.






It's the end of the world. 

"Pffft I just needed to make sure you were forever alone. Whi-which you are!" He walks away quickly. Lavender is looking off towards where he went and smiling absently. 

The fuck?

But that would be cute.

Lavius I like it.

But Black is still a cocky asshole. He's just a cocky asshole whom I ship with my friend.

Then again, my friend can be a cocky asshole as well.


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