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We sit down to eat dinner. Mcgonagal walks up to the front.

"Attention, attention. This year we are having the first ever Halloween Ball! Fourth years and above only, unless you're invited by an older student." Murmurs break out.

There are two thoughts in my mind.

1.) do I have to wear a dress?

2.) what if Black asks me?


Yes, it answers calmly.

I wasn't expecting you to answer me.


There's going to be a ball! Will Remus ask me?

Okay I've accepted it I like Remus.

Till the very next day bom bom bonana bananana

So the Plum walked away from the potions class and said to her crush "hey!" Bum bum bum "why'd you pull me into a broom closet?"

"Umm I really like you. You wanna go to the dance?" He asks me. EEEEEEEEEKKKK.

"Squee-erm sure cool" I reply. I walk to the common room and proceed to happy dance.

"Untz untz untz" I say as I dance.

"Woah Plummy, last time I saw you this excited was when you heard J. R. R. Tolkien had kids!" Amathyst raises her eyebrows at me. I glare at the nickname.

"Remus asked me to the ball!" I squealed. I'm doing a lot of that today.

"Yes of course. I've been waiting since third year." She says diplomatically.

"Speaking of which, you're 16 and have never had a boyfriend. What's up?" She blushes slightly.

"Erm.. I don't want a boyfriend." She looks at her feet.

"Why no- oh... You want a girlfriend?" Please let me be right or this will be REALLY awkward.

"Er... Yeah" ohhh okay.

"Welll I am SO getting you a date!" I squeal. Again.

"Not to the ball!" She holds her hands out.

"No duh. Hmmm how about... Narcissa Black?" Black's cousin. She's not too bad with the whole pureblood thing.

"If you can get her to go on a date with me.." She trails off. Squee!

I rush off.

"Wait. Tell the Banditas." I run off to go make plans! 

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