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We made a fatal mistake. We forgot to lay traps for the enemy. Now, we all smell like cologne, AKA liquid arrogance. We shower most of it off, because they soaked our bedsheets in the foul substance, but left us with a easy way to wash it out. I shower most of it out, but I can't get the reek out of my hair. So we walk down to breakfast normally, and the Marauders are absolutely stumped as to how we aren't covered in the pungent stench. I eat quickly and head off to potions. Blah, blah, blah, never use polyjuice potion, blah. Transfiguration with Mcgonagal! I like her, she gives Black and Potter lots of detention. We shifted desks into bushes. Free time! I sit with Alex, my boyfriend. Yes, I have a boyfriend. We don't say much, just kinda sit. He suddenly jumps away from me.

"What?" I ask."

"Why does your hair smell like liquid arrogance cologne?" He asks suspiciously. Shite.

"The Marauders. They covered all of our bedding with it, but I couldn't get it out of my hair." I explain.

"Oh" he smiles softly and puts his arm back around me.

"Wait were you sniffing my hair?" 

"Psssssssshhhhhhh, naw." 

"Alex" I say in a warning tone.

"Psssssssshhhhhhh, yaw." He's a weird-ass.

"Weirdo," I mutter.

"Your weirdo" he replies. 

"Is weirdo now our always?" I look at him.

"Psssssssshhhhhhh, yaw" 

"You weird-ass boy"

"You weird-ass girl" 


Ps it's the next day

You know what's near? I'll give you a hint:

The days are longer

The nights are shorter

It's noticeably warmer.

You guessed it.


Every single moment is worth it's weight in gold!


It's like the worlds best story and it's waiting to be told!

It's ice cream cones and cherry soda dripping down your chin!

It's summer, man where do we begin?

It's summer, man where do we begin?

Oh, how about with the family that hates me because I'm friends with 'That mudblood Evans girl'. 


I'm staying at Am's.

I roll out of bed and land on the ground. Thump. Groan. Violet kicks me for waking her up. 

"FOOOOOD! I'M HANGRY!" I yell, and run into the common room. It's only when the bunch of people who are in there are staring at me when I notice I'm still in a sports bra and Slytherin sweatpants. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna go." I run back up to my dorm and put on a big grey Nirvana tank top and some black denim shorts. I put on my cinnamon-spice lip gloss, just because it makes me feel a bit more put-together, even though I could just metamorph it on. The Banditas are dressed now, mostly in skinny jeans and band tees, and we march down to breakfast. 


My parents don't even show up to the platform, I just go straight home with Am. Meh. 


I dump my backpack in my room, yeah I have a room in their small manor. I head downstairs and give Quartz, Am's big brother, a hug.

"Hello pretty girl," Quartz greets.

"Hello handsome boy," I reply. We flirt JOKINGLY. Emphasis on JOKINGLY. 

"How long do you think we have?" He asks me.

"Three seconds." 



Three." We count in unison. As if on cue, 

"I'm boooooooooooored!" Comes down the stairs. We run up and into Am's room and tackle her.

"PRANK WAR! PRANK WAR! PRANK WAR!" We chant. I then run downstairs to her parents.

"Hi Rose. Hi Jack," I say to Am and Quartz's parents, "Can I borrow a wand?" I ask, hugging them.

"I'm guessing there's a prank war and you don't want to get arrested?" Rose raises her eyebrows.

"Yep!" I reply cheerfully. She hands me her wand and rolls her eyes. 

Time to get to work.

Bandits-Marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now