5 | Shenanigans

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Kendra dressed in the beige tunic the Jedi had given her, along with the brown leggings and black boots. She quickly pinned her hair back out of my face before leaving to the Chamber. As she walked inside, she saw Anakin standing next to the table as a droid placed food on it.

"Thank you." Anakin said politely.

The droid beeped before walking away, and Anakin's eyes met hers.

"I'm guessing you're hungry, you haven't eaten much since you got here."

He was right. She had been there for a week, and she only ate about four times, days apart.

She sat at the table, and both of them made themselves a plate of food.

"I can sense the Force in you." Anakin said suddenly.
She looked up at him. "I've never really known about the Force, until I came here."

Anakin broke his fruit into several pieces. "I can tell you're a great pilot."
She laughed. "I guess I am."
"The best part about the Force is that you can move things."

Kendra watched in shock as he lifted his hand, and the fruit on his plate was in the air. It moved until it was in front of her, and she laughed as she grabbed it with her fork, watching him grin.

"If Obi-Wan was here, he'd be very grumpy." He said, still grinning.

Kendra ate the fruit slowly, taking in the sweet flavor. There was nothing like this on Tatooine. Far from it.

"I believe that you're great with the Force." She said to Anakin.

He smiled, but it faded. "Obi-Wan doesn't want to see that."
She rose a brow. "What do you mean?"
He shrugged. "He treats me as if I'm still a child."

"Maybe he's looking out for you. . . The Jedi world is large, from what I hear."
His blue eyes met hers. "You're right."

Kendra pressed her back to the chair. "I have to admit, I'm quite nervous to train. I don't think I'll be a good Padawan."
Anakin frowned. "You need to have some faith in yourself, Kendra. You'll do great; I can sense it."
"I hope you're right." She said quietly.
He smiled. "I'll be there for you, and help you."

She smiled. "Thank you."


Anakin took Kendra on a tour around the Temple after they ate so she could see what all was there. They walked past a room where she saw Master Yoda training a group of younglings.

"Master Yoda trains the younglings to become Padawan's. They are soon assigned a Master to train them afterwards."

She nodded. "Younglings to Padawan's, got it."
A tall creature walked sown the corridor, and she couldn't help but stare at his long ears.

"Issa Ani!" He yelled, hugging Anakin tightly. Anakin laughed.
"Issa great to see you!"
"You too, Jar Jar. I would like you to meet someone."

Anakin turned to Kendra. "Kendra, this is Jar Jar Binks."
"Issa great to meet you, Kendra!" He said to her.

She smiled. "It's great to meet you, Jar Jar."
Jar Jar looked back at Anakin. "Senator issa happy to see you agin."
Anakin sighed. "She didn't even recognize me, Jar Jar."
"But she'sa happy!"

Kendra stood silent as they spoke, not wanting to intrude as they spoke about Senator Amidala. She was a beautiful woman, of course Anakin would like her.

"We should get going. It was nice seeing you again, Jar Jar. I'll see you soon."

Anakin laughed as she looked at him after Jar Jar left. "He's great."

It was then when Anakin's comlink was blinking. He lifted it from the pocket of his tunic, and a hologram of Obi-Wan appeared.

"Don't forget you have night watch tonight and tomorrow, Anakin."
Anakin nodded. "Yes, Master. I'm headed over there now."

As Obi-Wan disappeared, She rose a brow.

"Night watch?"
"Obi-Wan and I are taking turns on watching out for the Senator at night." He explained.
She pressed her lips together tightly. "Oh."
"I should get going before I get an earful from my Master. I'll see you tomorrow."

She smiled. "Okay."
Kendra folded her hands. "Goodnight, Anakin."


As Kendra laid in bed, several thoughts ran through her mind. She stared at the blank ceiling above her as one question stuck out the most.

What if Anakin likes Padmé? Is this just a bad idea to begin with? It's against the Jedi Order, but I knew what I wanted, she thought.

But what did Anakin want?

Growing to Separation | Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now