13 | Spying

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Anakin's POV:

I walked through the crowds of creatures inside of the Mos Eisley Cantina, looking back to make sure Kendra and Ciara were still following, and to get a glimpse of the beautiful girl.

She did change, but she was still my old Ken.

She was a lot more stronger, and was still extremely beautiful.
She wore a black tunic, black leggings, and wore her hair in a ponytail and let her Padawan braid fall.

We reached Obi-Wan and Aayla as we stood near the bar.
Kendra took a seat next to me as I sat down next to Obi-Wan. I kept seeing her look around several times.

"We will take Ciara back to Coruscant until it's an all clear." Obi-Wan told me.
"Does this mean we're staying on Coruscant, Master?" I asked, hoping it was a yes.
"We don't have any other wars to fight for the time being. We will rejoin the Jedi and help them."

I sighed of relief mentally, taking in the fact that I would be able to see Kendra again.
"We also need to find who General Grievous has teamed up with to watch Ciara." He explained to me quietly. I nodded. "Yes, Master."

A drink was placed in front of me, and Obi-Wan grinned. "It's on me."

I chuckled before taking a drink of the beverage to sooth my burning throat.
Kendra adjusted in her seat uncomfortably, causing me to look at her. She didn't say anything, so I looked away.

That's when she moved closer to me. "Anakin."
"What's wrong?" I asked.

She didn't look into her eyes as she focused them on the bar in front of us. "I feel like someone is watching us."

I didn't make it noticeable, but I tilted my head to each side and looked around.
I leaned closed to her as she shook faintly. "Who?"
"I-I don't know, I have a bad feeling." She stuttered.

A man with a strange face stood next to Kendra, and looked at her. "My friend doesn't like you."
"Oh, I'm sorry." She said, not showing emotion.

He grabbed her arm, and I moved. "I don't like you either."

I pulled Kendra back and look down at the man. "Who do you think you are?" I said, wanting to take my lightsaber out.

He tried to grab ahold of me, but I force pushed him back. He screamed and fell with a grunt, and Obi-Wan grabbed his lightsaber.

I grabbed Kendra's waist and pulled her back just in time. The man pulled a blaster gun out of his pocket, and Obi-Wan sliced his arm.
"Move Ciara!" Kendra yelled.

I watched as Kendra lifted her green lightsaber, and quickly swung it towards the man as he charged towards her again. Ciara ran to move, and everything went quiet.

"Who was with him?" I asked.
Kendra pointed. "Him!"
I looked to see a cloaked figure running out the door. Obi-Wan and I followed them, and ran after them.
"It's Garindan!" Obi-Wan shouted.

I quickly retrieved my lightsaber, and sliced the males legs. He screamed out as he fell to the sandy ground.

Obi-Wan and I sat him up as he breathed heavily.
"You're working for The Empire, aren't you?" Obi-Wan asked.
He wasn't going to answer as he wheezed. Obi-Wan sighed.
"He won't live munch longer."

I lifted my lightsaber, and stuck it through the wires of Garindan. He let out a breath, and he became still.


Kendra's POV:

Ciara frowned disapprovingly, and I looked at Master Secura.

"So, someone has been watching me this whole time?" She asked me.

"Unfortunately, but you'll be safe with us on Coruscant." I promised her.

The doors to the Cantina opened, and Anakin and Obi-Wan walked in. All three of us stood up.

"This place cleared out fast." Anakin teased.
"We'd better get going." Obi-Wan said. "The pilot just landed the ship."

I looked at Ciara. "Are you ready to leave?"
She smiled. "As long as Coruscant doesn't have sand."
I laughed. "Coruscant is beautiful. A lot of lights, and it's peaceful."
She nodded. "Then I'm ready."
We all walked out of the Cantina, seeing the ship nearby.

I caught up to Anakin and grabbed his arm, watching him look down at me.

"Thank you." I whispered.
He smiled. "You're welcome."

I smiled to myself, knowing this was a step closer to becoming what we used to be.

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