14 | I Will Protect You

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Kendra's POV:

I knocked on the door of Ciara's apartment, and she opened it seconds later. She smiled before opening it all the way.

"How are you settling in?" I asked her.
She nodded. "It's so peaceful here. No wonder you didn't come back and visit me."

I laughed as I sat down on the sofa in the main room of her apartment. "As much as I hate Tatooine, I would have came back for you sooner if it weren't for my training."
"I know. But hey, I'm here now."

I smiled and draped an arm over her shoulders. "And you know I'll do everything to spend more time with you. You're fifteen now, you're almost sixteen." I groaned. "Stop growing, please."

"I wish I could. Maybe you should, you are nineteen now after all."
I shrugged. "I guess I'm growing up."
She rolled her eyes. "And single."
I sighed. "Attachment and Love is forbidden."
"And you haven't snuck it?"
I looked down. "I have before."

Her eyes widened. "It was Anakin, wasn't it! Oh my God!"

I shushed her and smacked her arm. "Yes, it was Anakin.. It was when I first came here.. He was the first friend I had, and we're there for each other all the time."

She awed me, and I rubbed my temples. "Okay, stop teasing me."
"I think you two are cute."
I looked down at my hands. "I don't think he feels the way that he did then."

"You can't give up now." She pouted. "If you really want him, you have to keep trying."

"I'm taking advice from my little sister, there's definitely something wrong with me."
She pushed me and I laughed.

I stood up and sighed. "I'm going to head out. I have training tomorrow."


Anakin's POV:

The dim lights from buildings across Coruscant lit the sky as night appeared. I stared out the window on the main floor of my apartment, watching as Speeders flew by.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

I turned around to see Kendra. She stood in a black night gown that ended at her knees, with a thin white drape over it. Her long hair was down for once, the first I've seen in three years.
"I've seen better." I answered, turning my full attention to her.

She walked forward until she stood by my side. "When you were gone, I would watch the stars. I hoped I would see you."
I looked down at her. "Not a day went by where I wasn't missing you."

Her green eyes met mine. "I can say the same."
I closed my eyes as I inhaled. "Earlier in Mos Eisley, when that monster grabbed you, I wanted to kill him." I told her. "At the fact that he tried to kill you."

"I was hoping you'd save me, like you always do."
She lifted her hands and placed them on my chest. "And with Ciara here, I won't have to worry as much."

I rested my hands on her arms. "I know it isn't much, but I will protect you. I won't let anything happen to you or your sister."
She smiled faintly. "I missed that."
"What?" I asked.

"The feeling of being protected.. Of being safe."
I rose a brow. "You didn't feel safe while I was gone?"
"Everything with The Empire, was making me lack confidence. I was afraid, and a Padawan isn't supposed to be afraid."

I leaned in closer to her. "I think you're the strongest Padawan they have."

"Are you just saying that to win me over?" She asked, causing me to laugh.
"No, because I have better things than that to win you over."

Her face grew pink as she laughed.
I picked up a strand of her hair with my fingers. "I prefer you with your hair down."
"Why?" She asked.
I shrugged. "Maybe it's because it was down when I met you."
She closed her eyes. "Oh, Anakin."

I sighed. "My feelings have not changed for you since I left, Kendra." 
She looked up at me again. "They haven't?"
"No, and they never will." I answered simply. "You are in my very soul."

She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck as I hugged her to my chest. I buried my face in her soft hair, letting out a breath.

Pulling away, she rubbed my arm.
"Thank you, for your help today, Mister Skywalker." She smirked, causing me to chuckle lightly.

"You're welcome, Miss Almino."

She stood up straight, and pressed her lips to my cheek. She waved and disappeared into her apartment, leaving me to smile like a complete phony.

Growing to Separation | Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now