16 | Naboo

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Anakin's POV:

I lifted Padmé's luggage onto the ship, and waited for her to arrive. I pushed my hair out of my face, sighing.

Kendra jogged down the stairs to the temple, and ran up the ramp to the ship. "Is she coming?"
"She's almost here, I can sense it."
She grimaced.
I looked at her and smiled. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong." She lied. "Now take a seat before we take off."

I rolled my eyes playfully as I seated next to her. "Sure thing, Milady."

Padmé entered the ship, and quickly seated as she pushed her hood off. "My apologies, Jar Jar was confused."
I looked at Kendra again to see her looking out the window quickly to avoid my gaze.


Kendra's POV:

I walked down the ramp of the ship as we landed in Naboo. The scene around us was truly beautiful, along with all of the people and children.

"My house is this way." Padmé began, walking towards a stone stair case.
I walked along side Anakin as I pulled my luggage. "It is beautiful." I said, watching him smile.
"Told you."

Padmé lead the way and Artoo followed us. I couldn't help but let my jaw drop at the sight of a beautiful home.

Two young girls ran down the stairs of the home, and squealed as they hugged Padmé. I stood there still, smiling.

The two began to circle Artoo as they hugged the droid, and he beeped excitedly.

"Padmé!" Someone called. I looked up to see a woman who looked similar to The Senator, and she hugged her tight.

"Anakin, Kendra, this is my sister, Sola."
"It's nice to meet you both." Sola said, shaking our hands. "Come inside! Mom just finished cooking."

I looked at Anakin and he nodded before we followed them inside.


We all sat at the table as we met Padmé's mother and father. All of us began to eat, and had small conversations.

"How long have you been training as a Padawan, Kendra?" Padmé's mother asked me.
"It will be four years in a week." I answered politely.

She smiled. "How great, it must be nice to work with the Jedi."
I looked at Anakin and he smiled before biting into his apple. "It is."

Padmé took a drink of the juice her mother had made. "Kendra is a great Padawan."
I smiled. "Thank you, Milady."

She shot up as she dabbed her mouth with a napkin. "I almost forgot! I have to meet with Typho. Anakin, you don't have to watch me today, I'll be alright with Typho. I think you should show Kendra around, stop at the lake." She smiled.

Anakin nodded. "I will, thank you Milady."


Anakin and I walked down the pathway, and that is when I spotted water. The sun was shining, and it shined over the water perfectly.
"I wish I could come here more often." I said as we leaned over the stone railing.

"I came here years ago. When we first escorted Padmé to Coruscant."
"The water is so clear, it would be a great swim."

I watched as Anakin looked down at me mischievously, and I pressed my lips together to hide my smile.
"Don't you dare." I warned.

He rose his hand, and a scream left my mouth as I fell into the water. I reached the surface to hear Anakin laughing uncontrollably.

I swam to the side as he jumped down, and reached for my hands. I took them in my own, and pulled him into the water.
He pushed his long hair out of his face as he reached surface.

"I seen that coming."

I splashed him and heard him scoff playfully. I laughed as he splashed back.

"We should get out and dry, I don't think Padmé's mother will appreciate us wet in the house."


I laid on the hot ground and let the sun dry my skin and clothes. Anakin laid beside me, staring at the sky.

"I hope to be able to fly a fighter in space." I wished.
"I'll teach you." Anakin said to me. I smiled faintly.

I sat up before pulling my hair up in a ponytail. "I can't wait for that day."


Anakin's POV:

I was woken by the sound of soft whimpering as it filled the room. I sat up and blinked until my vision was clear.

I looked around the dark room to see Kendra. She was curled into a ball on the small mattress on the floor, shaking slightly.

"Ken." I whispered.
"N-No-No Ciara, no." She cried.

I quickly stood from my mattress, and walked to her. I placed my hand to her face, and I could sense she was awake.

A soft cry left her mouth as I stroked her cheek.
"Ken, what is it?" I whispered, watching her.
She didn't say anything as she closed her eyes. I could feel she had fell asleep already.

What if she has another nightmare?

I came to the decision to lift her into my arms, holding her to my chest. Her legs wrapped around me as I walked towards my mattress, laying down.

I held her close as I pulled the covers over her, and she let out a quiet and soft sigh.
"My Ken, you're safe." I whispered.

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