26 | Duel With Your Blood

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"I am on my way to the Death Star." I announced into my head set. "I need backup."

"I'm already on that." A familiar voice said.

I rose my brow. "Anakin?"
"You better believe it."
A smile appeared on my face.
"I'm sending in the fighters. They'll lead you to the Death Star."
I inhaled nervously. "I love you."

"You can do this, Ken." He said. "I love you."

As I came into contact with the Death Star, my heart began to race inside of my chest.

I had to do this.

I pulled into the landing station, turning everything off.
"I'm heading in now." I said before pulling the head piece off.
I climbed out of the Fighter before closing the top. I held my lightsaber holster in my hands as I walked towards the sliding doors.

Storm troopers stood at every entrance, and I lifted my hand, force pushing them over the ledge; watching them fall to their death.
I walked towards the bridge that lead to the other rooms, pushing them open. I stepped into the large room, the electrical panel popping sparks as it generated.

"Come face me, you coward." I snapped. "I can sense your presence."

A dark shadow appeared, walking slowly until it stood feet away from me. They lifted their cloak off, and dark brown hair of my sister showed.

Her yellow eyes met mine as she smiled wickedly. "How nice of you to come."
"I'm giving you a chance to save yourself from your suffering." I said, dropping my cloak to the ground.

"I don't need to be saved. The Jedi are evil."
"Then Darth Sidious did a great job twisting your mind into thinking that." I argued.

"He did not twist anything. You are the one who left me to be abused on Tatooine. Darth Sidious is the one who saved me."

Sweat beaded on the back of my neck. "Perhaps," she began as she began to circle the room. "I may spare your life, if you join me. And together, we can rule the galaxy."

I shook my head. "I will never join you."

Anger radiated off of the young Sith. "You choose Anakin over your sister?"

"I chose putting the people I care about first instead of killing them and not letting them live the life that they deserve." I answered bluntly.

"There is no changing my mind, now."

I pressed my lips together as I placed my hand over my lightsaber holster. "Then I will do what I must."
I let my lightsaber extend the heated blue light, and a red glare formed as Ciara retrieved her own.

"You will not win." She growled.
I sprung forward, allowing our sabers to clash against each other. The light reflected off of both of our eyes as I pushed harder.

She flipped backwards through the air, and I blocked her hit as she landed back onto her feet. We moved swiftly across the room, both of us blocking each others hits.

"For a Sith, you have much fear in you, Sister." I hissed, blocking her quick hit.

"As I said, you Jedi are blind."

I grunted slightly as she kicked my stomach, causing me to fall over the railing. I landed on my feet, and watched her jump through the air.
I jumped forward and hit her lightsaber. As she stumbled back, I closed my eyes; inhaling as the force flowed through my veins.

Power, I thought. Do it for the Jedi.

I ran forward, hitting my saber as hard as I could against hers. She gasped for air at a time, trying to fight back.
I swung my lightsaber against her legs, watching as they disappeared. She let out a scream.

I felt myself calm as I looked at her; laying on the ground. I extended my hand and watched as her lightsaber connected with my hand, holding both now.

"Never underestimate a Jedi's power." I told her as her burning yellow eyes met mine.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance!" She yelled, her humanity invisible now. She was a monster.

"I loved you." I said, gripping the lightsabers tightly in my hands. "I didn't want it to be this way."

She struggled to crawl backwards, trying to escape from me. I took in a deep breath as I walked forward, lifting the lightsabers.

I closed my eyes as I pulled them back, and forward. The quick hiss filled my ears as I struck her through her heart, her presence fading.

She gripped my arm as she gasped, her eyes focusing on mine. I watched as the yellow began to fade, the blue eyes I once knew appearing.

"Goodbye, my little sister." I whispered, my fingers caressing her cold cheek.

"You will pay for that!" A man screamed.

I looked up to see Seth Peters standing feet away, a red lightsaber in his hand. I quickly stood to my feet.
"Don't make me do the same thing to you." I snapped.

He ran forward, and before I could block his hit, another lightsaber beat me to it.

"You have much to learn." Anakin said.

He force pushed the boy back, and I smiled at him. "Always saving me."
"I think I owe you." He said.

The boy staggered to his feet, and shook as he looked at me and Anakin. He jumped towards Anakin, only to let out a scream as Anakin's lightsaber pushed through his stomach.
"Let me be the first to tell you that you just made a mistake messing around with a Jedi."

As he fell to his knees, Anakin pulled his lightsaber.

"Lightsaber malfunction." Anakin said, causing me to laugh quietly.

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