20 | Betrayed

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Kendra's POV:

Pain, Hate. The two things that I could feel deep inside of Ciara; radiating to me.
She was somewhere I couldn't tell, and she wasn't alone. A dark figure stood next to her, placing a lightsaber holster in her hand. As her finger dragged over the button, the bright, red light appeared.

I shot up from my bed as my own scream woke me up. I felt tears running down my face as I hid my face in my hands, choking on a sob.

The door opened widely, and a breathless Anakin ran in. His eyes met mine, and he sighed.
He walked to my bed and sat down in front of me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest.

"It's Ciara." I whispered between sniffles. "Something's happening."
He looked at me. "When we were on Naboo.. When you were dreaming.. You were calling for Ciara." He said to me.
"She-She was with someone.. I couldn't see their face."
"What was happening?" He asked me.
"Someone set a holster in her hands.. And the lightsaber was red." I swallowed. "Like she was waiting for it."
Anakin inhaled deeply as he continued to rub my back softly. "Come on."
He began to stand up. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"To talk to Master Yoda."

Master Yoda walked towards his float as I sat down next to Anakin. I folded my hands, waiting for Yoda to speak.
He began to hum as he closed my eyes.
"Sense darkness, I do. It surrounds Ciara."
I felt tears blurring my vision. "She isn't being held hostage.. She's with them." I said through gritted teeth.

"That doesn't make sense.. She's not even a Jedi." Anakin said, looking at me.
"Trained her, Sidious has."
I wiped the tears that forcefully fell down my cheeks. "The whole time I was gone." I cried. "I didn't notice."
"Sh." Anakin whispered, rubbing my back as Yoda closed his eyes again.
"Someone with the Jedi, it is." He said. "Is working with Ciara."

I looked up at Anakin who looked confused. "That doesn't make sense.. Who would-"
He stopped in mid sentence, closing his eyes.

"Seth Peters."

I shook my head. "N-No.. He's a Padawan!" I said. "He couldn't."


Anakin walked me back to my apartment, and we stepped inside. "It can't be."
"When you introduced me to him last week, I could sense something wan't right." Anakin told me. "I didn't say anything because-"
"You were jealous." I finished.

He looked away, not saying anything.

I stepped closer to him. "You don't need to be jealous." I whispered. "Never have I ever thought about him the way I think about you."

His eyes met mine, and he inhaled through his nose. "The way you make me feel.. I know it's forbidden. But I don't mind bending some of the rules like I usually do."

I pressed my back to the wall as he rested his hands against the wall above my head, our faces inches apart.

"I guess I don't care anymore."

That's when his lips pressed to mine. The soft texture causing me to let out a breath as I kissed him back.

The passionate kiss continued as he slid his hands down to rest on my sides. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
"Don't forget you're the one who said not the forehead." He whispered against my lips, causing me to laugh.

Pulling away to breathe, I didn't let go of him. He rested his chin on my shoulder as I steadied my breath.

"We'll find her, Ken. We'll do whatever it takes to get her back."

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