11 | The Future Is Now

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3 Years Later...

Anakin's POV:

I pulled back the levers of the Star Fighter as I dodged another missile. I could hear Obi-Wan through my head set as he shot at droids. 

"Master, General Grievous' ship is dead ahead. The one crawling in vulture droids."
"Oh I see it.. This is going to be easy." He sighed.

I shot at a droid as it crawled across the metal shields of General Grievous' ship. They crashed against the metal before sliding off and into the atmosphere.

"They're coming around." I shouted, pulling back the lever.
"Well have you noticed that the shields are still up?" Obi-Wan yelled.
"Sorry Master." I said, quickly focusing my aim on the shield in front of us. I quickly shot them down, and watched as the large doors slid fast to shut.

"Oh I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-Wan yelled.

I quickly pressed the acceleration button before zooming off quickly, almost hitting the doors as my fighter speeded in.
Hitting the ground, the speeder slid until it came to a stop. 

I jumped out and swung my lightsaber through Battlefroids as they swarmed the landing station. Obi-Wan and I met again, and I looked at Artoo.
"Stay with the ship, Artoo." I said. He beeped.

I looked around as as we walked towards the elevator. "I sense Count Dooku."
"I sense a trap." Obi-Wan told me.
I looked at him. "Next move?"
He grinned. "Spring the trap."


Climbing up the elevator way, I opened a small door before crawling out. As we both got onto our feet, we began to run down the hallway, towards where we sensed Count Dooku.


Chancellor Palpatine sat in a large chair across the room with bolt cuffs around his wrists. As Obi-Wan and I hurried towards him, Obi-Wan bowed. "Chancellor Palpatine."
"Are you alright?" I asked.

His eyes didn't meet ours, but met something behind us. "Count Dooku." He grumbled.

Count Dooku stood on the baclony with droids at his side.

He flipped over the railing, now on level ground. I lifted my lightsaber.

I charged in as Obi-Wan joined, Count's lightsaber crashing against mine. I pushed with all my strength, and he stumbled back slightly.

"So much fear in you, Skywalker. You have anger, but you do not use it."

As he pulled back, I felt my nostrils flare as I hit his again angrily. I didn't stop until we were feet from the Chancellor.

I quickly slid my saber down towards his arms, watching them come off right then and there.
I grabbed his lightsaber as he fell to his knees before me.

"Good, Anakin good!" Chancellor Palpatine cheered.

I swallowed as Count stared at me.

"Kill him.. Kill him now."
I shook my head as sweat beaded on my neck. "I shouldn't."
A low hiss escaped the Chancellor's mouth. "Do it."

I inhaled before slicing through Count Dooku's neck, and watched as his decapitated body fell to the floor entirely.
"Drop your weapons!"

I froze, and Obi-Wan looked at me as droids filled the room, along with Destroyers.
"Do you have a plan B?"
I shook my head.


We were lead to General Grievous as our arms were tied behind our backs. Artoo was captured and he rolled along side of me.
Stepping into the room, General Grievous stood before us.

"Anakin Skywalker. I was hoping for someone with your reputation to be a little... Older."

I lifted my head. "General Grievous. You'e shorter than I expected."

He growled before turning his back to us. "Jedi scum."
"We have a job, Anakin try not to upset him." Obi-Wan said while smiling
"But this time, you lose."
"Artoo!" I shouted.

Artoo's head expanded as a blaster chord shot out, and he span around as he aimed. Obi-Wan grabbed his lightsaber from General's pocket with the force, quickly cutting off our cuffs.

It was just us after we got through the droids, and General Grievous laughed.
"Do you think I would let you get a win so easily, Kenobi?"

I watched as he lifted his comlink, and my eyes focused on the small female; Kendra Almino's sister.
"I can easily press a button to kill young Almino."

I clenched my jaw tightly. "You'll regret this."
It was in a matter of seconds that his grapple met the wall, and it broke away. Before being sucked into space, I grabbed a railing and Obi-Wan as he did the same.

"He got away." I stated the obvious to Obi-Wan as we stood on our feet. "So much for that."
"We must note to the Jedi that they have a watch on the girl."

I lifted a brow. "Where to next?"

Obi-Wan adjusted his tunic. "Mos Eisley. We must find the girl and bring her back for protection. The Jedi will join us."

My heart raced at Obi-Wans words. Does this mean I would see Kendra? It was her little sister after all.

But maybe she wasn't allowed. I sighed.
It's been three years since I left her on Coruscant. I miss her so much, my chest aches at the lack of her presence.

But hopefully, just hopefully.

I would see her again.

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