9 | Training Padawan's

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1 Month Later

Kendra's POV:

My lightsaber clashed against Anakin's, and I watched as he smirked. I huffed before stumbling back slightly.

"That wasn't fair, you had an easy hit!" I pouted, trying to hit it again. He laughed before blocking my hit.

"I know you can do it, Ken." He said to me, moving back as we moved swiftly. I felt butterflies forming in my stomach at the nickname he had given me a few weeks ago, just after our mission to Geonosis.

And unfortunately, Count Dooku escaped. After a chaotic duel between Anakin, Obi-Wan and Count, Anakin came back with a prosthetic hand.

But he was still strong.

I jumped over one of the sofa's, blocking Anakin's hit. He gripped the lightsabers holster with both hands as I pushed towards him.

"You're getting stronger every second." He breathed, pushing me back.

Deciding to take a breather, I turned off my lightsaber and placed it in the loop on my belt.
"Obi-Wan has taught us well."
He took a seat on the sofa as I wiped my forehead.

God, I hated this. His beautiful blue eyes didn't meet mine as he looked down at his lightsaber.
His perfect facial features sent chills up my spine as I admired him passionately. I'm in love with him.

But he couldn't know that.

I looked away quickly before he notice me staring, breaking the silence with a sigh. "I haven't slept in days." I said.

He finally looked over at me. "Why is that?"
I fumbled with my fingers. "I don't exactly know.. I keep getting a feeling that something is going to happen; something I don't want to happen." I explained in a hushed tone.

He furrowed his brows. "Are you worried?"
I slumped my shoulders. "I don't know."
It was then when I realized how close we were. His arm brushed against mine, and our faces were inches apart.

I caught him looking down at my lips, and I swallowed.
He closed his eyes, sighing. "I can't do this."
I looked at him. "Do what?
"I can't keep acting like I don't have feelings for you." He told me.

Was this really happening?

"Y-You have feelings for me?" I asked, stuttering.

He sighed. "I know, that becoming attached is forbidden, but you.. You do something to me."
I stared at him in utter shock.

"Not being around you, I can't stand it. It's hard to breathe, and it feels like my heart is going to be ripped out of my chest. It's like I am sired to you."

I looked down at his hand as he placed it on my knee. "Tell me, what do you feel?"
My throat grew dry. "I've felt the same way since the day I met you."
"Really?" He asked.
"I didn't say anything because... I sort of though you had a thing for Senator Amidala."
Anakin let out a chuckle.

I looked at him confused.

"You don't understand. I've known Padmé since I was a little boy on Tatooine. I share no feelings with her. She is a great friend to me."
I sighed of relief mentally. "Oh."

Anakin's eyes lowered to mine. "And your presence.. Is soothing to me."

My lips parted as his nose brushed against mine. I closed my eyes when I felt his lips on mine.

Moving in sync, I took in the moment. He cupped my face gently as I hugged him to me.
Pulling away, I inhaled.

"That.. Was amazing, really." He whispered, still holding my face in his hands.
I closed my eyes again. "A secret."


Obi-Wan's POV:

I sat in front of Chancellor Palpatine as he spoke, hating what was coming out of his mouth at that moment.

"Chancellor, are you sure about this?" I asked.
"I have thought it through, Obi-Wan." He told me. "You must leave Coruscant."

I sighed. "What about my newest Padawan? I'm supposed to take Anakin and leave Kendra behind?"

"I have assigned Padawan Kendra to be trained by Master Aayla Secura while you are away. Kendra is in no form to fight battles over the galaxy."

I scratched my beard. "When do I need to leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." He answered. "I expect you both to be gone by evening, before the war on Hoth begins."
I nodded as I stood up. "Thank you, Chancellor."

This wasn't what I wanted.

I have to tell Anakin that we have to leave Coruscant.

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