31 | The Unexpected

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"Join me, Anakin. And we can rule the Galaxy." Palpatine said, his voice much more eager and deep. His eyes shined a bright yellow, and his skin was much droopier.

"I will not join you." I said, holding my lightsaber. "I am a Jedi."

"You have the opportunity to become such a powerful Sith, Anakin. You will gain much more powers, more than any Jedi could ever want."

"I should have known all along!" I yelled.
"You tried to manipulate me!"

"You must join me." He growled. "It is said that you would join me!"

"I will not betray the Jedi, Palpatine." I said. "This is where I belong."

And with that, the Sith quickly lifted his bright red lightsaber, and swung it at me.

I jolted up with a gasp for air, my body covered in sweat. I steadied my breathing before quickly rising from the bed, pulling my gear on.

I ran to the platform, climbing to my speeder. I quickly flew to the Temple, running until I arrived to Palpatine's office.

There he stood, with his back to me as he stared out the window.

"I was wondering when you would show." He said to me.

My hands curled into fists at my sides. "Obi-Wan was right."

He finally turned to me. "I beg your Pardon?"

"Don't lie to me, Chancellor Palpatine. Or should I call you Darth Sidious?"

His mouth twitched into a smile, sending chills down my spine.

"Well done, Anakin." He said. "You have finally come to realize what is best for you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said to the Sith.

"Join me, Anakin. And we can rule the Galaxy." He said. That's when I realized that my nightmare was coming to life.

"I will not join you." I hissed. "I am a Jedi."

Darth Sidious walked around the open space as his arms crossed behind his back. "You have he opportunity to become such a powerful Sith, Anakin. You will gain much more powers, more than any Jedi could ever want."

I stared at the Sith. "I should have known all along!" I yelled. "You manipulated me!"

"You must join me." He growled. "It was said that you would join me!"

"I will not betray the Jedi, Palpatine." I said. "This is where I belong."

Knowing that it was coming, I lifted my lightsaber just as Sidious drew his, blocking his hit. I force pushed him across the room, watching him crash into his chair, tumbling to the ground.

I jumped towards him, and watched as he blocked my hit. He kicked at my chest, causing me to fall back.


I turned to see Obi-Wan, Master Windu and Kendra standing in the doorway.

"You were right!" I yelled as I continued to fight him. "He's the Sith Lord!"

"He must be defeated!" Mace yelled, his purple lightsaber in view. Kendra and Obi-Wan were next, running towards the scene.

They cut in, now giving me the backup that I needed. Sidious grew angry as he tried to fight us off.

The large window busted, the wind seeping through the room. Master Windu was on the edge as he fought Sidious, and Sidious fell to the floor.

"He is too dangerous to be kept alive!" Mace told us.

"I-I-I'm too weak, don't kill me please." Sidious begged, his breathing heavy.

I turned off my lightsaber as Master Windu and Obi-Wan nodded.

"This is the end for you, Sidious." Mace told the Sith Lord.

"No, No-No!" He yelled.

Mace Windu swung his lightsaber, and I watched as Sidious' decapitated body laid still.

Turning off his lightsaber, Master Windu walked away from the window.

"It had to be done." He said to us. "He would have killed anyone in his path."

Kendra wrapped her arm around mine. "Anakin?"

I looked down at her. "I'm alright."

Obi-Wan scratched at his beard. "What does this mean, Master?"

Master Windu looked at us.

"The Sith Lord has been destroyed."

Hey guys! So this is the last chapter, and the Epilogue is next! But I have a question!
Should I make a Sequel?
I want it to be Kendra and Anakin's future, and what happens years from now. What do you guys think? Please comment if I should make a Sequel!

   - AdmiringReigns

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