KBH: Killers Be Here

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"Sara!"  A loud voice instructed her to get up. First day of school..suprisingly Sara was ready for school, even though she hated the bullies and the hard classes. She got up from her wrinkly, hole-filled, dark purple bed. She ate her "breakfast", which consisted of bread and butter, I would tell you why, but i'll save that for later.

Sara always had to ride on a bike to school. Gasoline was very high priced nowadays, but she didn't mind. It was stuff like this that made her stronger and be able to face the bullies easier, but it still wasn't easy. Call her a coward, but being bullied every day of her life was bad, but when she started complaining, she already made it. The orphanage was only a few blocks away, so it was nice, but it was still closer to fights and drama, and the orphanage was a haven for her. She didn't want anyone bad to ruin it.

Opening up the doors of her sanctuary, and her nightmare, Sara Lee ran through the hallways, not to be bad, but to escape the trauma that is Korgan B. High School. Bullies everywhere, and her only friend is Rodney Hamilton, who loved her just for being her. Even if she was a-


Yep, that's it. The burden that Sara must carry. Her down syndrome, the fact that she was "born ugly", she hates it, yet she can't go to private school because Rodney doesn't have the money to go with her, and neither does she. She would've asked her parents, which unlike her, are very smart..but the problem is, she doesn't have parents. She is an orphan now, and it was a crazy story on how that happened.

When Sara was born, her parents were so proud. Until when she turned 10, they realized she had down syndrome, and having a stupid child would bring down their "rep", so naturally, Sara was escorted to the nearest orphanage, which undoubtfully, was the nicest: Happy Places Orphanage. Her only parent now was Madam Thompson, the mistress. And most certaintly were the teachers. This completed her family, and of course Rodney. The orphanage wasn't rich or anything, so Sara didn't have much, but those people made her life all the difference.

"Hey Sara!" A shout echoed from the hallway.

Sara closed her eyes and waited for someone to pelt eggs, or call her a "Retard" again.  But when she opened her eyes, of course, it was her best friend. Rodney. That brought the first smile to her face in a long time. Sara loved to smile.

"Hey Rod!" Sara yelled, for she didn't care about what others said, or thought.

She gave him a hug, and she didn't care what others said again, what she wished she could say about bullies, but that would never be true. She continued to hug him even though kids around her whistled and told Rodney to "get some". Rodney blushed, and Sara moved her head to the other side to escape the others.

"Could i see your classes?"

She let him see her schedule, of course they had different classes. They always do. Rodney was a very smart kid, she knew because after school they usually have "study buddy sessions." She was surprised that nobody bullied her yet, but that was going to happen soon. She knew. But they always had one class together. She cherished glee club. She has trouble reading the music notes, of course, but Rodney always helped her after school, part of the "study buddies."

"Hey retard." yelled Steve Rednel, the jock, the popular kid, the heartthrob, pretty much everything but nice to me.

"What do you want Steve?" retorted Rodney.

Dang he was brave for saying that. I know Rodney is not as strong as Steve, yet his tone with him, it's incredible.

"Just here to mess with your brains, well brain." He glared at me. Another retard joke...yay. It's something I have to live with my whole life. Ugh, why couldn't I be smart?

"Haven't you had enough?" He triumphantly talked back. Rodney, in fact, was fearless. It was amazing. I definitely am not fearless. I am amazed that I have such a friend.

"No I really haven't. So my next victim is you. Meet me after school, in the locker room, and ready to be..er....punched." He said suspiciously. What the heck, did he just smirk at Rodney, and it wasn't teasing?!  What was happening

 Something was up,and Sara did not want him to go to the locker room, but Steve had even worse treatment for those who didn't come, and that was bad. It happened to Sara all the time, and Sara would rather have him go than suffer what she had to plenty of times. What happened to Sara was terrible, she had to go to the ER once, but Steve escaped in the nick of time, and nobody believed me.

"Move along, Steve." Instructed Ms. Nowlek.

Steve had to do what the teachers said, or else he'd be kicked of the football team, his only reason for superiority at Korgan B. The teachers somehow never caught him beating up someone. It was quite strange, maybe he turns off the cameras before he beats them up? KBH never really enforced the hidden cameras, and for Steve, who failed grades plenty of times, had to know where the cameras are. Killers be here obviously, Steve is waiting to strike, Sara is sure of it.

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