A Dreaded Visit

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Jason's pov

I don't know why I want to do this. But... Who knows maybe he'll care now. "You don't have to do this, Jason." I sigh and glare out the window at the jail. "Yeah, I do." I mumble sighing. "You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" "No way, if there's any chance-" But she stops me from talking with a kiss. "We're a team, we go in this together." She says. "Your dad can't do anything to you or me. He's behind bars." I smile. "You're right honey. I love you." "What are we doing anyway?" "I'm gonna see what he says to me getting married." We walk in the jail and ask to see my dad. They bring him out to us and we go to a visiting room. He stays quiet. "Um dad?" "What?" He growls. "I.... I'm getting married... I proposed to Miranda last night and I was wondering if you wanted to come." He looks shocked but trying to hide it. "The only deal is you can't do anything to us, like try to hurt us or something." Instantly the rage returns to his face. "You tellin' me what to do, boy?!" He shouts, trying to stand up, but the handcuffs make it impossible. "It only makes sense dad! You tried to kill her and used to beat the shit outta me all the time."

Miranda's pov

He sighs, staring at his hands. "You're right Jason, I'm sorry." Jason's eyes go wide in shock. "Y-You're sorry?" He nods. "I was messed up after everything happened with your mom. Can ya ever forgive me?" I think he's trying to trick Jason!

Jason's pov

I'm beyond shocked. My dad is apologizing for the cruddy way he treated me! I glance at Miranda but she still stares devil eyes at him. I know what she's thinking and I don't know what to believe. "Y-You really mean it?" I ask, shakily. He nods. "I..... I'd like to go to the wedding. If it's okay." I smile. "Yeah, I can't wait dad." I'm so glad he's finally back to his old self. I hand him an invitation. It's next month at the church I went to when I was a kid. I'll get them to let you out for the day." He smiles. "Thanks Jason, I hope you can forgive me." It's gonna take more than one day for me to forgive him but we'll get there I hope. I just nod and hold Miranda's hand. We leave and I take a deep breath. "Wow did that really just happen?!" I gasp. She glares at the door. "I don't believe it not even for a second." I don't know if I fully believe it either but I'm gonna give him a chance. "I hope I don't regret this." I mumble. "For our sakes, I hope your dad has changed but I just don't think he has, Jason, and I'm scared. What if he tries to kill me again or worse you?" I hug her tightly. "I'll keep you safe baby girl, I promise you that." Tears fill her beautiful golden eyes. "I won't let him hurt you, you have my word." I wipe the tears from her cheeks and kiss her. "I love you Jason." "I love you too, my beautiful golden eyed girl." She smiles. "You love my eyes don't you?" I nod. "They're the prettiest eyes I've ever seen." We get back in my truck and head home. She still looks worried. "Even if my dad hasn't changed, I won't let him near you. You're my first ad most important priority. I promise." I say, holding her hand. "I believe you, Jason, I'm just..... I don't want anything to happen at all." I kiss her again. "It won't baby girl. Nothing is gonna run our wedding."

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