Tryin' To Save Her

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Jason's pov

I sit by her bedside, still in my tuxedo, tears soaking every inch of my face. She's in a coma and they don't think she'll wake up. "Please baby girl, please wake up." I whimper. The news comes on the TV. "Escaped convict Joshua Aldean on the run after shooting young Miranda Brown, she was set to get married-" Someone turned it off. I shakily turn around. All my buddies. Luke, Thomas, Alex, Sierra, Rachel. Luke has a change of clothes for me. "Thanks man." I get changed and walk out of the bathroom. "She's gotta wake up." Rachel whimpers. I sit beside her bed again. Her father walks in too and takes the seat on the other side. He looks super worried too of course.


Me and her dad are the only ones still in here. He's asleep in the chair. A nurse walks in. "Maybe you should get some sleep sir." "I can't." I whisper, still staring at her. Blood on the bandage around her stomach, her face pale. "Hey Nurse why is her face so pale like that?" She glances up. Her eyes go wide. "Crap! She needs a blood transfusion!" She cries. My body fills with fear. "We don't have any!! There's been a shortage on blood!" I jump up quickly. "Give her mine. Hurry!" "What blood type are you?" She asks. "We don't have time! Why does that matter?" "Because if it isn't the right kind, it'll kill her." My body goes cold. They test us both and we're a match. "Give her my blood now." I say, thrusting my arm out. They stick the needle in my arm and hers. I feel very lightheaded afterwards. I sit back down, dizzy. "Why do I feel so dizzy?" "It always happens when you donate blood. Here drink some orange juice. It should help." I drink a glass and feel better. "Is she okay now?" "We're gonna monitor her..... But we might need to do another transfusion if she doesn't get better." "You can take whatever you need. I just want my wife to live." Technically she's not my wife. We were getting married. We never finished the ceremony. "Please don't die." I whisper, stroking her cheek. I could maybe play her a song. I ask Luke to bring my guitar up to the hospital and he does. I shakily stand up still a bit woozy from donating blood. But I can do this. "It don't matter what plans I got I can break 'em, I can turn this thing around at the next red light. And I don't mind tellin' all the boys I can't meet 'em hell we can all go raise some hell on any other night. Oh I don't care oh I just gotta see what you're wearin', if your hair is it tied up or fallin' down, oh I just gotta see it now...."

Miranda's pov

Is that singing? What's going on? Oh man, my stomach hurts. Then I remember he shot me. "Wreck my plans baby that's alright this is a drop everything kinda thing, swing on by I'll pour you a drink the doors unlocked I'll leave on the lights baby you can crash my party anytime." I can hear him but for the life of me, I can't wake up.

Jason's pov

"Jason! Her hand moved!" Luke cries. I open my eyes. "She's trying to wake up. She's trying her hardest." I whisper, staring at her. Tears falling down my face. "Oh sweet girl, I'm right here. I'm never gonna leave you." The nurse comes back in. "Oh shit, she's still losing blood. She and a few others go to work on replacing her bandages and getting the wound in her stomach to stop bleeding. We were forced to wait in the hall. Her dad paces back and forth in fear. I would too if I wasn't still super dizzy. One of the doctors walks out. "We got it to stop bleeding for now but she lost alot of blood." "I'll donate some more." I say quickly. "I don't recommend it. You've already donated once today, you could get really sick." "I don't give a God damn, I'll do whatever it takes!" "Or I could do it." Her dad says, walking over. "I'm sorry sir you aren't a match." This is starting to thoroughly piss me off. "Why are we standing around debating this?! I'm a match, take my blood to save her!" I yell frustrated. "Ok but don't say I didn't warn you." He says. I roll my eyes, not really caring. We go back in her room and they do another blood transfusion. And like the doctor said I feel ten times worse. dizzy and nauseous. I worriedly hold her hand while sitting in the seat beside her. "Don't you die on me baby. I can't live without you." I whisper, kissing her forehead. Ugh I have to lay down. I'm unbelievably dizzy. I rest my head on the couch by the window in her room.

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