Not missing.... KIDNAPPED!!

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Jason's pov

I instantly go to Alex's house. He was supposed to bring her home. He answers the door, only wearing boxers. He must have a girl over. As much as I would hate to find them in bed together, I hope that's the case that way I know she isn't missing! "Dude, have you seen Miranda? She's missing!" I cry, trying not to panic. "Cool your jets cowboy. She's not missing." I breathe a relieved sigh. "Hey baby, someone's calling for you!" He shouts. My hands tense up. Baby? Are they together now?! But some blonde chick walks over. "Dude are you drunk or something?! That's not Miranda?!" I scream. "What? Oh a little! I don't know who you're talking about." I slap my forehead in frustration. "Where the hell is she?!" "How the heck should I know?!" I'm not gonna get anywhere with him!! I go back to my truck and try to call her again. This time someone answers. But it isn't her. It's a man's voice. "Who is this?" I ask, steamed. "Don't worry your little girl is safe with us." He says then laughs manically. She's not just missing. She's been kidnapped!!!

Miranda's pov

Tears stream down my face, my cheek has an ugly red mark where the jerk slapped me. He hangs up on Jason and turns back to me with a smirk. He places his hands on my legs making me shriek in pain. He laughs. "I love that sound." He says. He's sick and twisted. "Jason's gonna kick your ass!" I shout. He digs his fingers into my burns. "Oh my God!! Please stop!!" I scream, my body burning from the pain. "That's what I thought." He hisses, yanking me up by my hair. He drags me to another room and throws me on the bed. Yanking my pants off, causing more pain. His eyes patrol up and down my legs. "Nice little girl." He says, stroking my hair. "Please don't hurt me." I whimper, shaking. "If you behave I won't." He grabs my wrist and handcuffs them both to the bed post.

Jason's pov

Her dad was able to trace the call and I'm pulling up there now. I can hear her screaming from inside. I race to the door and kick it down in one swift move.

Miranda's pov

The man stops when we hear a sound. He slaps my leg, making me wince. I can barely move. The pain is unbearable. I fall unconscious.

Jason's pov

I find the room. A guy stands over her unconscious body. My stomach drops. He was probably raping her. "Y-You are fucking dead!" I yell, rage blurring my vision. I throw a fist his way but he throws me against the wall. I grab my head in pain. "No stop!" She whimpers weakly. He smirks a wicked smile and turns back to her. "Don't you dare!" I growl, furious. He doesn't listen though. He gets back on top of her, his legs pressing on hers. She screams in pain. I see red but before I can do anything someone else grabs my arms, handcuffing my wrists to pipes in the wall. This is horrible. He's forcing me to watch. "Get off her!!" I yell. He stops. "You can do what you want to me but leave her alone!!" I shout desperately. He smiles at me. "You made a mistake saying that kid." I try to pull free of the handcuffs but it's no use. "Jason." She whispers, opening her eyes. "Oh so you're the Jason fellow she's been crying for." He says, glancing back at her. "Sorry cowboy but there won't be any rescuing today." I fight back the tears. "Please just let her go. Take me in her place. But let her go." He just laughs again. "You're one stupid kid! I'm taking both of you!" Fear fills me. He yanks me up and unclasps the handcuffs. "If you try to fight me, way worse will be in store for her." I stare at her worriedly. Another guy uncuffs her and pulls her up. She can barely stand. "I won't fight." I whisper. "What was that?" "I said I won't fight you." I say louder. "Good. You learn fast." "I'll do whatever it takes to protect the girl I love." I barely even whisper it. A few minutes later, they force us into the back of a semi truck, handcuffed together, back to back. She can't even stand anymore so I sit down, my legs under me so she can lay down. "I'm so sorry Jason." She whimpers. "For what?" I gape, shocked. "You got kidnapped too!" She cries. "That wasn't your fault, sugar. I'm sorry I can't save us." Her body shakes while she's crying. I feel so helpless. We hit a pothole and I fall forward. I sit back up. "We might not make it out of this so I want you to know something." I say, staring ahead, fear gripping me. And not just because we've been kidnapped but fear of what she'll say when I say this. "But Sugar what I said at your house that day.... It wasn't true." "What? Wait?" She gasps. "Miranda, I do love you." She's silent. I'm terrified. What does the silence mean. I hear her moving around. I glance back and she's turned herself around to facing me. Tears in those amazing gorgeous golden eyes. "Y-You love me?" She asks. I shakily nod. She kisses me!!! My face gets hot, my body burning with passion. She breaks the kiss. We both stare at each other. "I... Love you too." My eyes go wide. "You do?" She nods. "I do." She says, kissing me again. I close my eyes, enjoying the taste of her lips on mine. She's finally my girl. "I will... Get us outta here." I whisper. Suddenly the door opens. "Stand up!" I strugglingly do, helping her up. "Let's go sugar." The guy says, a burning rage filling me. Her eyes widen in shock. She stares at the ground. He grabs her shoulder. "Nobody calls me that but Jason!" She snarls, rage in those beautiful eyes. "Shut up bitch. I'll call you what I want to call you!" He snaps, slapping her in the face. "Dammit!! Get your fucking hands off her!!" I scream. They already undid the handcuffs. The other guy punches me in the gut, making me double over. "Jason!!" She cries as they pull her by her hair out of the semi. I can't fight them. Or her torture will be worse. Tears fill my eyes. The semi slams shut encasing me in darkness as sobs rack my body. I hit my knees and cried harder than I've ever cried in my whole life.

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