Jealousy and surprises

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Miranda's pov

*several weeks later*

Jason helps me out of his truck and carries me bridal style to the lake where everyone else is. "Thanks." "Of course." He ruffles my hair and sits beside me. I smile. He always makes me happy. Except when he said he didn't love me. My smile fades thinking about that. "Hey girl, how's your legs?" Thomas asks, walking over. I toss a rock in the water. "They hurt." I respond. Jason laughs at my lousy wording. "I think everyone knows that Sugar." He says. I shrug and slug his shoulder. He chuckles, staring out at the water. Anna, a friend of Alex's sits beside Jason pulling her legs to her chest. I glare at her. What's she doing?

Jason's pov

I've been so depressed after finding out she doesn't love me back. "Hey Jason, ya wanna dance?" Anna asks. Thomas's radio is blaring some Garth Brooks. I stare at my boots. Maybe getting a girlfriend will help me get over this crush I have on her. I mean clearly it's been established she doesn't feel the same.

Miranda's pov

He messes with a blade of grass. "Sure, I guess." He says, standing up. My jaw drops. He takes her hand and they disappear into the crowd. I put my head in my hands. I just want to go home. Alex walks by. "Alex can you just take me home? I just wanna go home." "Sure." He picks me up, bridal style and carries me to his truck.

Jason's pov

I stop dancing. This isn't helping like I hoped it would. Then I notice Alex and Miranda are gone. I ask around but no one knew where they went. I call her. "Where'd ya go?" "Sorry Jay, I just wasn't up for it. My legs were hurting too much." "Oh... Why didn't ya tell me? I woulda taken ya home!" "You were having a good time. I didn't wanna ruin that." I wasn't having a good time. "Oh. Okay. I guess I'll see ya later then." I hang up and sit on my tailgate, my head in my hands. Jacob sits beside me. "You have to tell her, man." He says. "I can't. She said she doesn't feel the same way. There's no way I can tell her now." He sighs. "I'm sorry Jason. I know how much this must hurt." I glare at the ground. No he doesn't. He doesn't know how it feels until it happens to him. "I'm goin' home." "Ok bud see ya around." He hugs me and I drive home. I finish off the twelve pack I bought a while back. Thankfully dad's at the bar. I don't have to worry about him. Tonight's the bonfire rally. I guess that will help get this off my mind. Maybe I'll even take Anna. Who knows.

*later that night*

Everyone is having a good time but me. Anna sits beside me on the tailgate. "Come on Jason! I wanna have fun!" She whines. I roll my eyes. "Then go have fun. I ain't stoppin' ya!" I grumble annoyed. "No silly." She says, jabbing my side. "I wanna have fun with you." She whispers in my ear. My eyes go wide. Maybe that's just what I need to snap me out of this funk. "Yeah why not." I reply, getting off the tailgate. I pull her down and shut it.

*2 days later*

Miranda's pov

Jason walks into school holding Anna's hand. My blood boils. Jealousy is so annoying. "Hey Sugar how's your legs doing now?" He asks. "I'm fine. Would you please stop calling me that?" I grumble, looking away.

Jason's pov

What's going on with her? She's never had a problem with me calling her sugar before. That's our thing! Anna kisses my cheek and waves. She leaves. "Why don't you want me calling you sugar anymore?" I ask, confused. "I just don't. I wanna be alone right now." This is weird and so unlike her. "What's wrong?" I ask, sitting beside her. "Nothing. Just leave me alone!" She shouts, standing up and falling against the lockers. She catches herself and runs away. What the hell just happened?! Pretty soon the rest of our group shows up and Anna comes back. I stare at the floor in thought. The endless chatter of my friends and girlfriend are just background noise. All I can think about is my best friend. She's never run away from me before.

*the next day*

I'm getting ready for school when my phone rings. Confusingly it's Miranda's dad. "Hello?" "Is Miranda with you? She never came home last night!" He cries, hysterically. What?! "N-No sir! She's not home?!" "No I'm scared out of my mind. If you see her, tell her to call me." "Of course sir." I hang up and the phone shakily drops from my hand. My best friend.... Is missing.

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