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YEAR: 1963

-Heather's POV-

What's that white stuff outside? It's really cold mum! Wait...why is daddy leaving? Mum! Dad! Come back! Dad! I started crying just like mum.

"Mum!" I cried.
"Shhh baby, it's gonna be okay." She picked me up and began coddling me. "Daddy will be back," she cooed, "hopefully...It's time for bed, okay love?" She bounced me in her arms a few more times before putting me back into my crib.

That night all I heard from mums room was crying. She seemed more upset than me...understandable I guess.

What's that? Who's in the house! Mum! Mum! Mum! Someone's in the living room! Stop them! Mum I'm scared! Mum!

"Shhh...it's okay honey," dad mumbled as he rubbed my stomach. "Go back to bed darling,"
"Da..." I was silenced by my pacifier.
"Goodnight darling," he planted a kiss on my forehead.


Mum! I'm awake! Come and get me! I wanna get up! Mum!

"I'm here, calm down," she said while picking me up.

You've been crying! Don't cry mum! I love ye! Don't worry, dad's back! Why won't ye listen to me! Wait mum, I wanna walk. Put me down!

"Alright, calm down darlin,"

A smile spread across my face as I ran into the living room.

"Daddy!" I yelled as I tackled my sleeping father on the couch.
"Paul..." Mum ran to him and wouldn't let him go.
"Merry Christmas love," he hugged her tight.


I became mesmerized by the gifts that sat under our now fully decorated tree. I ran up to them and began tearing them open, one by one.

"Heather," they chuckled.
"Merry Christmas," dad said as they exchanged gifts.

I zoned out and stopped caring about what my parents were talking about until they mentioned going over uncle John's house. My eyes widened as I remembered that Julian is there.

Let's go! I wanna see him! Come on!


"Merry Christmas," John and Cynthia greeted.
"Merry Christmas," my parents replied. They set me down so they could hug them; I ran off to open more gifts I saw under the tree. I sat down and began tearing them open.
"Heather no!" Mum said as she picked me up, taking the gift from my hands.
"Actually," John interrupted, "that was for her,"
"Oh," mum chuckled, "here ye are sweety," she set me down in a corner next to Julian. I looked up to him and cracked a small smile.
"Hi," I mummered.

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