97 10 3

YEAR: 1972

-Heather's POV-

"Goodnight darling," mum said as she closed my bedroom door.
"Night mum," I yawned.

I crawled into bed and turned off my bedside lamp. I began to doze off when I heard a light clinking noise come from my window. I quickly turned my lamp on and rushed over to the window. I struggled to get it open but after a great ordeal, I got it open.

"Hi Heather," Julian waved.
"Jules, what are ye doing?"
"Can I come in?"
"If ye can make it," I chuckled.
"No Jules, please don't climb! If ye fall you'll die!"
"I'll be fine," he sighed.
"Oh god, I can't watch," I mumbled as I moved away from the window.

I sat on my bed and waited for a scream or a Julian to crawl into my room. After a couple minutes I started to get worried when I didn't see him crawl through my window. I walked over to find Julian peering his head over the windowsill.

"Can ye help me up?"
"Dear lord Julian," I groaned as I pulled him in. "Why on earth would ye do that?"
"Do what?"
"Don't act dumb," I pouted.
"Fine, sorry. My mum and dad have been fighting a lot,"
"Well, hate to break it to ye hut things aren't much better here," I sighed.
"But yer parents never fight,"
"Yeah well, when mum gets pregnant she's not exactly a happy camper,"
"She's pregnant again?"
"What do ye think it's gonna be?"
"God, I hope it's a boy," I chuckled. "I'm sick of my sisters,"
"I would be too," he smirked.
"So how's Key?" I mumbled as I shut my window.
"She's good," he said as he sat on my bed.
"That's good," I said as I joined him. "So what are yer parents fighting about?"
"What aren't they fight about," he groaned as he fell back. "I hate it at my house. "I'd rather live here to be completely honest,"
"No ye wouldn't," I chuckled as I fell back with him. "It's awful here. There's never any quiet time. Someone's always yelling or fighting,"
"Who's always yelling or fighting?"
"Me and Mary," I chuckled.
"Oh," he laughed. "I'd prefer that. There's only ever angry yelling at my house and um...other noises,"
"What do ye mean?"
"I don't wanna get into it," he pouted.
"I'm sorry Jules,"
"It's fine," he sighed as he sat up.
"Hey Jules," I said as I sat up.
"It's getting better all the time," I started singing. I took a long pause before I reached for his hand. He looked to it and hesitantly intertwined our fingers. "Better,"
"Better..." I whispered as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Hey Heather," he whispered.
"I think I like you,"
"Well I like you," I smiled.
"Hey Heather..."
"Thank you."

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