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YEAR: 1973

Julian's POV•

"Heather!" I yelled. "Heather! Open yer window!"
"Julian!" she spat. "It's ten o'clock! Why are ye here?"
"I need to talk!"
"Fine," she sighed. "Climb on up."

I cracked a smile and began climbing up the side of her house. Surprisingly, my parents haven't caught on to me leaving nearly every night.

"Get in here ye idiot," she chuckled as she pulled me in. "So, what do ye have talk about?"
"I'm leaving..."
"But ye just got here,"
"No, Heather...I'm leaving, leaving,"
"What do ye mean?"
"Mum and I are leaving town and probably never coming back,"
"What...no...no, that can't be..."
"I'm sorry Heather,"
"No! Yer my only friend! Ye can't leave me!"
"Please lower yer voice..."
"Where are ye going!" she yelled.
"I dunno...I leave tomorrow,"
"Are ye leaving England!"
"Heather, lower yer voice..."
"No Julian, I will not lower my voice! Where are ye going?"
"I don't know! Why do ye care!"
"Cause!" she cried. "Ye can't leave me." Tears started falling from her face as she took a seat on her bed. "Yer my best friend," she sniffed. "Best friends aren't suppose to leave each other..."
"Oh Heather," I sighed, "I'll never really leave ye. I'll still write and call everyday. I promise, we won't lose touch." I stuck out my pinky and let a smile creep onto my face.
"Ye can't promise anything," she pouted.
"But this is a pinky promise, it can't be broken,"
"Fine." She linked her pinky with mine and continued to cry. "Promise me...you'll call me as soon as ye get to wherever yer going," she whispered.
"I'm not gonna promise that Heather,"
"I'm gonna swear it," I chuckled.
"Don't scare me like that!" she yelled.
"I'm sorry, guess what was kinda mean," I smiled. "Well...I should get home," I sighed.
"No," she grabbed my arm. "Stay the night,"
"But mum-"
"I don't care," she cried. She fell back on the bed and I immediately fell back with her. As soon as we were laying down, she wrapped her arms around me so I couldn't go anywhere. "Please stay Jules..."
A couple tears dripped down my cheeks as I murmured, "Okay."

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