104 11 1

YEAR: 1969

Julian's POV

I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I wish mum was here. I wish dad was here. I want all the yelling to stop. I want all the abuse to stop. I just want everything back to the way it-

"Julian!" I heard a familiar voice call. "Julian, baby, where are ye? Mummy's here!"


I swung my door open and raced to the bottom of the stairs.

"Mum!" I cheered. I sprinted to her and fell into her arms. She fell to the ground with me and wouldn't let me out of her embrace.
"I missed ye so much," she cried.
"Where's my daughter ye bitch!" dad yelled.
"She's mine!" Cynthia yelled. "And so is he!"
"Don't ye dare touch him!" Mum yelled as she picked me up.
"He's mine! She's mine! Don't touch my kids!"
"They're not yers Cynthia! Let them go! Ye fucking crazy bitch!" dad spat.

Stop yelling! Stop fighting! Stop everything and bring me and Key home!

"If I ever find ye near my family again, I'll kill ye," dad warned.
"Come on Jules," mum whispered.
"Mum," I whispered as we walked out.
"Yeah baby?"
"Why are ye in that dress?" I tugged at the white dress.
"Yer father and I just got married," she smiled.
"We're going to a party now," dad said, Kyoko in hand.
"And guess what," mum said while we got in the car.
"Yer girlfriend's and gonna be there," she teased.
"Shut up!" I blushed.
"They're gonna get married," mum whispered.
Dad smirked and whispered, "I know."

PS: I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now