171 13 3

YEAR: 1964

Julian's POV•

"Jules are ye excited about seein Heather today?" Mum asked with a slight smile.
"Alright, let's go," she picked me up and we made our way to the hospital.

Is she gonna die? Mum, is Heather gonna die? I hope she doesn't, I think I'd miss her too much to be honest.

"Come on Jules," she sighed as she picked me up and brought me inside. "Hi, we're here to see Heather McCartney,"
"We know the room," mum rudely said as she brought me to the room.
"Hi Cyn," Michelle greeted.
"Hey Jules, Heathers finally awake! She's actually coming home tomorrow," Michelle smiled widely.
"Yay!" I cheered.
"Come on, I'll take ye in," she took me from mum's arms and set me on the bed near Heather.
"Hi," I waved.
"Hi," she smiled. "I come home!" I smile at the slightly older girl.
"Crap," I hear mum mutter outside. "Jules, I forgot, yer father wants us home. Let's go," she said as she picked me up.

No! I just got here! Don't take me away already! This is why I don't like you! Put me down! Ugh!

"Bye," I sigh.
"Bye Jules..."

The next day, mum brought me to Heather house; she said she was coming home today.

"Hey Cyn, come in," Michelle smiled.

Where's Heather? Who are these other women? Mum I don't like the corner! It's where dad puts me and you know I don't like him!

The women began talking and I just played with some of the toys mum brought for me. I quickly began bored so I just sat around and waited for Heather. About an hour into the visit, I heard a little cry come from Heather's room.

Yay she's awake!

I stare at the hallway and wait for Michelle to return with my little blonde haired beauty.

"Hi," she whispered as she's set down next to me.
"Hi," I blush.

We began playing and having the time of our lives. We ignore the noisy women gossiping and just enjoy each others company. As I stare at my blue eyed companion I start to get a bubbly feeling from my stomach. I just sit there and smile.

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