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The stars, however, are never alone. Whether they are equally spread out or packed together to make the sky light up so the darkened sky doesn't appear to be so gloomy. The stars, however, inside me have died out completely, causing the darkness to sweep inside my body and mind and consume me.

Every night I go out and lay in the grass to stare at the stars and I have realized one thing. The stars are the same. They are the same as last week. Last year. The same as from when we were kids. When we weren't born. And every night I sit and contemplate that no one will know who I am.

But they will know the same stars.

The imprint they have left in the sky will always be there. If it's raining and I leave a shoe print in the mud, it will go away. When do the stars go away? They don't. 

Is there a purpose? Do we all have to have a purpose on this earth? Is there a reason to why 7.3 billion people in the world at this exact time all have meaning to each other?

I guess the reason I say this is because I'm starting to stray off a path of a purpose to my life and I'm not sure how to get back on it. I have lost the fire inside me.

The match is no longer lit.

A/N: Okay so I'm writing this for Andrew. I love you and I'm sorry if this sucks I mean I can not write for shit and I can barely speak English half the time sooooooooo... but yeah here.

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