Chapter 6

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The fact that he actually sat behind me still makes me upset. I don't know why. He didn't say one word to me because  he knew his girlfriend would have gotten jealous. She has nothing to worry about and that's what pisses me off. It was eating me away and now it's the end of the weekend and I didn't want to be in hell tomorrow. I decide to put on my pjs and go to bed.

My alarm went off and I climb out of bed to use the bathroom. I am so cold, it's like 5 degrees in my house. I'm really not digging the whole school shit, but whatever. 

I pull on my clothes and head to school. I don't want to go early, but my mom said she would take me instead of riding the bus. It was about a 20 minute car ride and I completely knocked because next thing I knew we were here. I hate showing up early because no one is ever there.

"Bye mom." I said.

"Bye Andrew I love you." She responded as I closed the car door.

I begin walking to my locker and I lock eyes with Ty. Shit. He looks so good today. He offered me a small smile as I walked past him and I smiled back because I had to offer the gesture. It's valentines in a few days and lol no valentine for me. Oh. Hey whatever. Out of the corner of my eye I see  Ty walking towards me.

"Hi Andrew." He said with a smirk.

Damn, the smirk. I was mad though, at him, just because the girlfriend doesn't like me Ty shouldn't have to pretend to hate me around her.

"Good enough to say hi in school but not at the theater. Ok Ty." I responded coldly walking away from my locker.

"I'm sorry, okay. She is up my ass about you being a threat and you aren't. She will not believe me." Ty said as he was now following me around the hallways.

"Ty it's whatever I'm not listening." I hated acting mean but I just couldn't help it. I luckily see Lydia and bolted through the sophomores to get to her.

"Talk to me so Ty can't! Hurry!" I said grabbing her wrist to pull her to me.

"Ummm ok... Hiiiii Andrewwww I missed youuuuuu!!!" She said so happy and giggly. No wonder she is taken, she is to cute.

We walked passed Ty as I had my hand around hers and I could feel a cold ass stare coming from him. I felt like he was looking straight through me. It gave me the chills and butterflies.

"Spit it out." Lydia said breaking me from my thoughts.

"It's nothing major, he just said hi but I was sassy with him and said that you can't just come over and pretend to be friends when you can't even say hi in a movie theater like no it doesn't work that way. That's basically it." I told her straight up.

"Yeah, idiot. Why can he ignore you when he is with his girlfriend. I think he should grow a pair so that he can stand up to her." She told me and I couldn't agree more.

When the bell rang I knew it was time to go execute myself in Spanish. Yahoo.

Lydia and I take our seats. I mean first Keegan kissed her on the cheek, which was cute, but dang....I'm lonely as fuck.

"Okay go ahead and start first five." Señora said.

"You and Keegan need to stop being so cute first of all.  Second, I don't know what to do. Can I copy?" I turned towards her.

"Yeah here. And yeah we can be pretty cute." She blushed.

I grabbed her notebook and copied down her answers.

Lydia and I could not stop laughing all class but my mind would always shift to Ty. I'm gonna apologize. I shouldn't have been rude because I know his girlfriend is a bitch, but I hate to believe it..

I'm not a threat and even if I was she shouldn't have to worry about me. I'm nothing.

He won't fall for me.

AN: Ok so I'm sorry I suck but here is a somewhat long chapter. I am so tired but Andrew and I promised a chapter exchange so here. I love you babe and see you in hell tomorrow. 💕

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