Chapter 1.

19 1 2

24 hours.

1440 minutes.

86400 seconds.

I'm starting my Junior year today and when is Christmas vacation? I put on my blue jeans,  Adidas sweatshirt, and my Nike slides and head downstairs. My mom was already gone because she works early but I put my toast in the toaster and start to pack my backpack because I procrastinated.

I wanted high school to be over so I could continue my life and plans to move to California with Kayleen and Lydia. I wanted nothing more than to get out of my hometown and just start fresh. I had a beater car that was falling apart at the hinges but hey, it was a car. At least I didn't have to take the bus unlike all the freshmen. Ew, the freshman this year are annoying and all ugly, but whatever, I have my eye on someone  else.

I get in the car and blast music because music is the only thing that will keep me sane while on my way to that hell hole of a prison. I immediately start to blast Beyoncé. I want to go buck wild before I sit in a desk for like 7 hours.

As I get out to school and head to my locker, I cringe at the horrid sight. This place is so dead and boring and I would almost rather be burned alive then to see everyone that I hate, which is 90% of the schools population of 220 students!

I see Lydia stroll in with Kayleen and they have their Dunkin Donut coffee and I'm so glad to see my best friends. 

"Hey" I greet them.

"Hey bud," Lydia said. "How are you?"

"Alright" I respond smuggling her in a hug.

"Hey love!" I said to Kayleen who was awfully quite.

"Hi" she said, not really wanting to be bothered.

"What's up?" 

"It's migraine Monday Andrew, what the fuck do you think?" she snapped, and stormed off to her locker.

"Cranky much," I said to Lydia. As the first bell rang, I smacked Lydia in the bum and made my way to my first class.

Walking through the hallway, I see him, and all that goes on in my head is

24 hours,

1440 minutes,

86400 seconds,

is the time I think of you constantly.  

A/N: Okay, so here is the first chapter it doesn't say much but just a little story starter. Here Andrew I suck.

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