Chapter 7

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Today was the day that we had to give our fear presentation in Theology. Yay me. We had to get up in front of the classroom and say what are biggest fear is and pastor will tell us how God will help us through it. Everyone mostly said they were scared of spiders or snakes but I actually took the time to make this a bomb ass presentation.

"Andrew, you are up sir." Pastor pointed to me. 

I then got up and made my way to the front with my sheet of paper when the one and only Ty walked in.

"One second Andrew. Ty, how may I help you?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if I can sit it on the notes from when I missed last week. Can I sit in here?" He responded, almost nervous.

"Of course! Grab a seat and Andrew you may begin when you are ready." Pastor said.

Great.... Now I get to read my fear in front of Ty, the love of my life. Yayyyyyyyy.

"When someone asks what their biggest fear is, you would expect them to say answers like heights, closed spaces, or people dressed like animals. I think my biggest fear is the way someone can fall out of the love the way they fell in love. That their lovers once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise and their one track mind is now immaturity and their bad habits you once adored is now money down the drain. Their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet on the dash is no longer sexy, just another distraction in a busy life. Nothing saddens and scares me most like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes." I gave my speech loud and proud and Ty's eyes burned right through me. He couldn't look away from me. It's almost as if he was so wrapped up in my words, his thoughts then flooded his brain.

"Very well written, Andrew. You may take a seat." I walked to my seat and he watched my every move. Why... I wish I could answer that.


"Kayleen, no stop!!" I said to her as we all piled into Lydia's house.

"Fine," Kayleen said, "but spill. You need to talk to us."

"How did you know?" I am stunned that she actually did know that I needed to talk to them.

"Honey, we knew something was on your mind since you walked out of theology soooo." Lydia yelled from the kitchen. 

"Okay well here it goes. It's Ty. I never thought that someone could make me smile just by hearing their voice, or want to break down when their away from me for more than a couple hours. But isn't it weird, how these two things are both positive and and negative but they both show how much I love him. I'm starting to realize why so many people say that love is a weakness, because while it strengthens you, it makes you the most vulnerable anyone has ever been."

"Yeah, it's going to be hard, but if you can't have Ty in a romantic way then maybe try to become his friend. Just start talking to him." Kayleen said.

"Yeah, my girls are right. Now be quite because the movie is starting." I shush them.

I have Lydia and on my left and Kayleen on the right as we snuggle up in the blankets.

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