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Chapter 6:
*Warning - many quotation, much talking*

Brooke's POV.-

I woke up in the lobby with Jordan crouched beside me.

"Sleep well?" he asked with a smile.

I perked up a little and grinned, "Dern sure I did."

"That's my thing!" he chucked, "Did you have a dream?"

"I did, it was pretty... interesting." I answered.

"Sounded like it."

I scrunched my face in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

His face turned a light pink.

"You were kinda talking in your sleep..."

"Were you watching me?" I asked.

"N-No, I was trying to wake you up."

I nodded, "Oh, what was I saying?"

"You were mumbling something, then you said my name."

My cheeks grew red, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me about it later, we have to record something now." he said and helped me up.

I followed him into the stream room and Intern Joe was already in there with a camera.

"What are we recording?" I asked.

"Q and A for The Hub." Joe smiled.

Joe handed Jordan a sticky note with some questions written on it.

He greeted the camera and attempted to read Joe's chicken scratch.

"The first question is from MrsNovaHD."

"When are James and Aleks getting married?" I read.

I laughed at how hard some people ship sometimes.

"Lets find out. JAMES!" I yelled to him.

"What?!" he yelled back.

"When are you and Aleks getting married?"

"Never, fuck you!"

"Nova HD confirmed!" I gave a thumbs up to the camera.

"Next question." Jordan handed me the sticky note.

"Is Brooke dating one of the creatures? I ship her with Jordan BTW." I read out loud.

I've been asked this question multiple times, except sometimes with different people.

"Yep, Brooke is my girlfriend." Jordan said and put an arm around me.

I looked at him confused and he winked.

I caught on that it was a joke and smiled.

"Yep, Jordan is definitely my boyfriend." I said and patted his chest.

"Really?" Joe asked surprised.

"No, Joe, it's a joke." I giggled

"Ohh. Yeah makes sense, you'd be a good couple though."

His comment made me blush and Jordan kept his arm around my waist.

"Shut up." I pouted.

Joe went into another room to finish recording the hub, and Jordan and I went back into our offices.

I finished editing a video for the hub and them someone knocked on my door.

"Come on in!" I said loud enough for whoever it was to hear me.

"Hey Brooke." Jordan walked in with a wave.

"Hey Jordan." I smiled.

"I wanted to apologize." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"For?" I asked.

"In case I made you feel weird or embarrassed earlier when I called you my girlfriend."

"No. It's fine, I didn't have a problem with it."

He smiled and I got closer to him and hugged him.

"What is this for?" He asked.

"I just wanted a hug, plus I'm tired so I was going to have you give me a piggy back ride to my car."

He groaned but complied with what I wanted.

We, or should I say he, walked to the parking lot and I got off his back.

"I guess I'll be heading home now." I said as I arrived to my car.

"Same here, it's getting pretty late." He said then headed to his car.

"See ya' later!" I yelled to him as I got in my car and drove home.

I arrived to my house witch was pretty small since I was the only one living in it.

I started to record a Draw My Life video since people were requesting me to do it.

"Hello everyone, Brooke here with a new video. Today I'm going to be doing Draw my Life." I said as I started drawing things from my childhood.

"My Full name is Brooke A. Royle. I am 23 years old and I work for a company called The creature hub."
I drew accordingly to what I was saying.

"When I was younger I was not the most outgoing person. I didn't have many friends and got bullied some, but then someone came to my rescue! His name was Jordan, aka Kootra, Mattewson. We have been friends since elementary school. Then I met Kylie, and the rest of the guys in high school."

I continued on with things from my high school experience and such then ended the video.

Since it was almost midnight I went to bed when I got a text from someone.

I groaned and checked who was texting me so late and to see what it said.

Come over.

Hello there! Another chapter is up, hope you enjoyed it. Don't be afraid to ask any questions if you are confused about anything and don't forget to vote! I can't believe this is almost at 200 reads! My last story's already past that I'm so happy right now! (((:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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