Chapter 1: T.J

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“Hey T.J,” said my best friend, Roxy.

I glanced up and noticed that her usual happy self was a little less jumpy. She smiled at me and I grinned back.

“What’s up?” I asked and she shook her head, sadly.

“Come one,” she said, “we have maths.”

I groaned and stood up. A hand grasped mine and my boyfriend, Jack, kissed my cheek. I blushed and kissed his cheek back. Roxy pretended to throw up and I laughed at her, while she grinned back at us widely.

“Let’s go to Maths,” she said and we managed to get there just as the class was trampling in.

“Why are you three always nearly late?” grumbled our teacher and we grinned at him, taking our seats at the back of the room.

Nobody ever sat there because a rumour has gone around saying people have died from sitting in the back of the room. What a load of garbage.

“Now may you please take out your homework and show me what you have done,” ordered the teacher and we did.

The lesson droned on and on. When I looked at the clock, there was five minutes left and I sighed. Five minutes could be a very long time, so I decided to zone out and draw. When I glanced at the clock again, only two minutes had passed. My drawing was of my dad and me working on a motorbike. Then the sound of something that sounded like it was from a sci-fi movie. You know, like from star wars and it was right outside the classroom. The room was suddenly filled with weirdly masked people and two of them had grabbed me on the upper arms. The masked people wore all white and were very disturbing to look at. People began screaming and Tessa, who is the most popular girl I know, fainted. I struggled to get out of their grip but they were just too strong. So instead, I kicked one of them and then back flipped over the other. Man, I loved Karate. Then I kick the guy in the head and he fell to the ground.

“Get her,” ordered another guy and my Karate reflexes kicked in.

Once, one of them shot their ray gun and it got me in the shoulder. I had gritted my teeth and kept on fighting. The pain was excruciating but I had to continue. I mean, you would to protect those around you and yourself, right? By the time all of the guys were down, I was bleeding from my shoulder and had a wicked bruise on my shin. My left cheek would be puffy tomorrow.

“Oh my god,” cried Roxy and I glanced at her.

She was staring at my bleeding shoulder and I shrugged, wincing in pain.

“Where did those guys go?” I asked and nobody answered.

“They left as soon as all of those maniacs were down,” answered Roxy.

My arm was really starting to hurt. As soon as the bell rang, I knew mum was gonna find out about my arm. Jack helped me put my books back into my bag and pulled out a gauze and bandage, wrapping my shoulder up. Yeah, I know what you are thinking but I am always prepared for anything.

“Do you want me to take that?” he asked and I shook my head, as I slipped my good arm through the strap.

“I’m fine,” I answered, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jack nodded and kissed my cheek. He ran to the bus shelter and I slowly walked to the front of the school. Footsteps crunched behind me and I didn’t bother to look. Thinking that is was kid playing a joke, I ignored them until my bag was wrenched from me and I was whirled around. My eyes widened.

“What do you want?” I stuttered, frightened about their answer.

“Grab her and let’s go,” said one of the maniacs and I backed against the wall.

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