1. WHAT'S LIFE actually???

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1. WHAT’S LIFE actually???

The question which has the most vast answers in this world. No manuscript, will you find a universal statement defining, it to the most apt because it such a cosmic concept or word to be defined in little words without incongruity.

Life via vision of few people is gorgeous, while tough & agony for few, or just rather a movie you have been entitled by the god for playing your character as destined!

Well what I think is; Life is really very beautiful believe me!

It’s just the dissimilarity in viewpoint of people;*** the way they tackle their problems that sometimes create more problems for them while at times bring them on cloud nine...

No life is easier to live till the time it isn’t handled in correct means….

Life is actually an expedition & a game with mixture of emotions...it sometimes has beautiful phases and a times hard too…when it comes too beautiful , we all welcome it with bliss...but when harsh some accept it soon...whereas some don’t want to accept it..Some don’t try     to accept it…or some just try to flee…and hide…


Just because they don’t want to…or in    Delhi’s language ‘watt laggaii to obviously bhagengee....’…but why…not to face it and come across….it why to panic...

If we did something wrong we have to pay it for sure…because losing and possessing are the two vital activities of life either of them will always take place...

Try not to do bad…but if u did be prepared to pay it back. And all above, I still remember one of my High school professors, saying me that



Do you know the best part of this game...?

No one actually wins or lose the game it’s just how one plays the game...or tackles the circumstances…

When come across in this game...it’s the only game in which winning or losing is hardly

  But what most vital is how one plays the game... & how is the person tackling the situations!






Can you list out a even a single person on this earth who would say I had never had any problem in my life.

list you can’t even tell a single person…because Hurdles... are a part and parcel of everyone’s life...

It’s never a smooth carpet for anyone…. Though some are born with a silver spoon in their mouth…but still their life in itself is not trouble-free.....it’s also even dubious for someone...thereby they lose it soon…

Losing and possessing are the main activities of life...We...lose some we get some….either in form of feelings...or a whole being itself.

Predicaments are a phase of life which makes you learn something always.

 something which you won’t get any book might similar but not exactly the same because that’s something called the experience of  a person personally which is unique and its own priced procession which is priceless…and can never ever be bought by money or measured in terms of money..

 Like we breathe oxygen, drink water ,eat food to subsist our living similarly are these problems  an essential part of our lives !

You might find me insane at this point of time , but at the end of the day these experiences in life only make your better future..and enhance in you the capabilities of taking right verdict or I might even say the apt decision for your bright future …

Let me further bring more shadow to what I want to say!

..People seek help from psychiatrist for a finding a solution to their problems and tensions in life which they had weaved up for themselves...they messed-up...themselves...and  seek for solution from...others..

.I don’t disagree to what they do...because sharing a times your sorrow with others no doubt  helps in reducing it.

.But A times…u r better judge of yourself...And u know Ur self better than anyone could do you’re your best friend..

.moreover solution to a problem is hidden in your innersole & psychiatrist  just help you to explore the hidden in you!

Problems are going to be there no matter how much you show your resistance to it. 

 Instead of reacting to it like fizzy drink , react to it patiently with all your senses alert no to REACT but to take an action TO BE out of it!!

I am going to share a story with you which my friend once told me:

A little girl visited a farm one day and asked to buy a large watermelon. That big one you got on your hand costs 3 dollars said the farmer. I’ve got only 30 cents replied the girl. 30 cents will buy you a small watermelon replied the farmer. What about that one asked the farmer pointing to a small watermelon in the field. Okay, I’ll take it smiled the little girl. Here’s your 30 cents but leave it on the vine. I’ll be back for it in a month.

Pretty smart little girl. She knew her patience would be rewarded. By waiting one month, she could have a big, ripe watermelon for the price of a little green one.

If she just would have lost hope and be all those sad girls and out bursted like  a fizzy drink !! would she have got what she has now!!

Here lies the difference !!!

The one who actually understands that hurdles are complimentary with a compulsion to have and dealing it with patience and positive zest is the route to it ..

..I must say…wins over it…partially......even...b4 its totally complete…& comes across all hurdles….I won’t say…effortlessly….but  yes..Quite efficiently

...On the other side one who takes the wrong meaning…or do not figure out its outlook...or even leave it just to go on…as…it is going or depend completely…for good and bad on their god..Loses it almost before…even if its...just the beginning of their life...only...0.01% hope is left...that they could win it and that to because of maybe someday somewhere they realize they are going wrong…& correct it…because never lose hope at the end of the day is the moral of the every story…((mostly)) isn’t it??

So deal with the problem ,

Rather than its consequences on you, your surroundings & weeping on it later!!

"The problem is not that there are problems.

The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem."

— Theodore Rubin

Boggled with a quote!! Read it twice and this problem quote would no more be a problem!!

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