Chapter 2: In Flight Acquaintance

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After the plane had made it safely into the air and the “fasten seatbelts “ signs turned off the stewardess was right on it as she cruised by with her cart and handed me my coffee with sugar and creamers. She then shuffled in her cart for a moment and then handed the person next me a can of soda, a plastic cup with ice, and a small travel size bottle of Jack Daniels. She didn’t even say anything as she moved to the next aisle. Maybe there isn’t anything to say to a person if they have ordered alcohol so early in the morning. Obviously drinking that early meant nothing particularly good, so maybe a “good morning” wasn’t really worth a try.

            We both began mixing our drinks together at the same time. It felt odd at this hour to compare beverages as he mixed in the whisky as I mixed in my sugar, but I couldn’t help but smile to myself in blatant envy.

            I decided I wasn’t going to go out of my way for this stranger no matter how good looking he was, or how badly I wanted a sip. I just wasn’t in the mood to impress or seem interesting. And to be honest I really had nothing to offer another human being right now. My well being felt like it was in shambles for the moment.

            I sipped my coffee and pulled out the envelope again. Every time I pulled out the envelope it began to look more and more worn and ancient. How many times have I fumbled with this delicate package within the last hour I have possessed it? It looks like a letter I have had for weeks rather than the crisp white envelope that it was before.

            I spun it in my hands analyzing the hand writing as it twirled.

            Who knew one could fear the inanimate?

            I took another sip of my coffee and placed the envelope in my pocket; the seal still untouched.

            The stranger next to me was already done with his drink. I could hear him crunching his ice in his mouth.

            I began to wonder what this guy’s deal was. Was he maybe not an alcoholic, but a crack head? I noticed his knee under the table bouncing up and down uncontrollably. A part of me wanted to ask him if he was OK, but it wasn’t my place.

            This time when the stewardess came by he hailed her down and also asked for a coffee, which I thought was a better idea, but was still unsure if caffeine was the better alternative.

            There were no TV’s in this place as in flight entertainment because the flight was nothing more than 4 hours. My ipod’s battery had died while waiting in the Gate area of the airport. I was so screwed.

            With this empty space of time I had nothing to do but let my own thoughts fester. It was aggravating. The only thing I really had on me to actually do was read the letter. Both choices seemed painful. To read or not to read?

            I finished off my coffee and pulled the letter out again, this time placing it on the little table in front of me and just stared at it as it laid face up:

            ‘MY DARLING’ it read.

            That’s all it said. His name for me. No warning, or caution signs. No expiration date or threat. Just a nickname there on display of pure innocence.

            The thought made me want to gag. Why can’t I just not give a shit? Maybe I can just ‘accidentally’ leave it on this plane and put it out of sight and out of mind?

            But it didn’t make any of it right.

            Damn. Having a conscience blows.

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