Chapter 7: Forbidden

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The digital clock on the all beeped on the hour at 10:00pm and I sighed, How long have I laid here in silence in this bedroom?

When was I going to feel normal? When is this feeling of being an outcast going to wash away? A few days in and I’m definitely not sure if I belong here. I felt like a nuisance and the only thing that is keeping me going is this somewhat forbidden likeness for a boy. Even then that doesn’t seem right.

I needed someone to talk to and my cousin is far out of the question.

                  I began to slip on my running shoes and decided to run to the one place I shouldn’t but at this point it was my only hope.

                  I pulled out my phone first and texted “Hey, are you home?” And within 5 minutes I had already gotten a response of “Yes. Why?”

                  I huffed in frustration because this all seemed so stupid.

                  I closed the sliding glass door behind me and began to sprint into the forest with the silliest destination imaginable.

                  As trees passed me I was trying to gather my thoughts and explanations but nothing seemed logical enough to say.

                  As I made it to the clearing and to the front door of this pool house I took in a deep breath. Was this the right thing to do? Would he truly understand? Or am I abusing his confusion with his attraction to me? –Because that’s not what I want at all.

                  I shook my limbs out thinking it would clear this nauseous feeling from the pit of my stomach and I knocked 3 times on the door.

                  It opened up almost immediately and I sputtered “Hello…”

                  He raised an eyebrow but still smiled cordially, “Hi there…is everything ok?”

                  I smiled back too still embarrassed and said “um, I guess things are technically ok, but then again it’s kind of why I am here, because maybe there not”

                  “Ok…did you want to come inside?”

                  He gestured for me to come inside and stepped to his left to let me come in. I slowly entered and took in the surroundings. It was definitely a place a boy inhabited. It was a mini studio apartment with a bed in the far corner at the back, a makeshift living room equipped with couch, xbox and TV, and a mini kitchen near the bathroom. How nice to have this space to ones self.

                  I noted the TV playing a soccer game and muttered “I’m sorry, am I interrupting?”

                  He walked past me and took a seat on the couch, gestured for me to do the same and said “No, not at all. So what did you run all the way here for?”

                  I began to bite my lip as I took a seat and then said “Its kind of silly. Actually the more I think about it the less I think it’s a good idea”

                  “Jeez. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about that” he smirked.

                  I giggled out loud and realized being around him already settled my nerves. I continue on “You just want me to say it?...” I was somewhat seeking his interest and attention.

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