Chapter 4: Boys, they have no manners.

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I had no idea what I was supposed to wear. Stephanie had told me that this was a pool party of sorts. I slipped into my black bikini and wore a black tank top and jean shorts.

            The sun had set outside and I had no idea what the weather in New Hampshire was like in the summer. Actually, I didn’t know what I was supposed to expect in general.

            I opened up my sliding glass door and finally felt the outside air on my skin. The air was sticky and warm and when I looked up there were millions of stars. It was a comforting sight.

            I looked back at the darkness and through the woods curiously. This time through the trees I could only see a glowing light in the distance. It was also possible I could hear a booming bass, but I wasn’t sure.

            How did Seth have a party planned before his feet even landed in the state? Not that I wanted an invite from Seth, but why didn’t he just mention it when we were talking?

            There were so many things that made me so curious about him. I had all these questions and odd encounters but no answers.

            Stephanie suddenly appeared in my room, “Alex?”

            I stepped back inside and said “Yea?”

            “Ready to go?” She looked as if she were already impatient.

            “I guess. I jumped into this but it just hit me that I am going to a party that I know no one”

            She rolled her eyes and said “I am sure you’ll make friends, you always do”

            Her attire was similar to mine accept she was wearing a short jean skirt and a white tank top. I felt better about my wardrobe decision. I was really hopeful about this situation but at the same time I started to become overwhelmed with this completely new environment. I hope things work the same way as they do in California, or I am shit out of luck.

            “So we are just going to walk to Seth’s.” she said.

            I nodded and said “Yea, sure.” It seemed plausible since I could see his house from my window, kind of.

            There was an awkward pause and she said “Let’s just walk through the patio” and she signaled at my open sliding glass door. It seemed odd but logical at the same time, so I followed her lead.

            We walked out onto the empty grass and I closed the door behind us, and we simply just began to walk. There was no designated path or trail, just grass. We walked until we finally hit the tall forest and began to briskly walk through the eerie woods, using our cell phones as flashlights and following the glowing light at the end of the clearing, that being Seth’s house.

            After no more than 15 minutes of walking the tree’s cleared and it was another rolling hill of a property except in the center was a large modern but east coast looking home. Like one that you would find in the Hampton’s, and it had a large pool and spa in the vast backyard.

            I looked at the time and found it being closer to 10:30 pm.

            The backyard was packed and the bass sound was obvious now. There were large groups of young college kids gathered around the tropical landscaped backyard, all of them having a great time as they danced and drank.

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