one // beginnings

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"Really? A party?" I asked as Jal searched through my clothes. "Oh, come on Luna. You'll have fun." Michelle spoke, putting on the final touches of my makeup. I scoffed. "How can I have fun if I'm sad over Brad." I rested my head on my fist. Jal looked back at Michelle with a grin. My eyebrows kneaded together in confusion. "What?" Jal smiles. "Tell her." She spoke. Michelle rolled her eyes and turned towards me. "Our dates will be here soon." I laughed. "Yeah, tony." "-we got you a date." My mouth dropped. "Our friend, Sid." Michelle spoke. "He's really nice and sweet." I smiled and thanked them. The doorbell rang through the house. Jal handed me my clothes. "Go hey changed they're here!" I ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror many times. Jal picked out a black tee shirt and blue skinny jeans. As I was looking at myself the last time I noticed my cuts on my arms. "Bollocks." I whispered. I rushed out of the bathroom to go find a jacket. I bumped into someone. "For fucks sale Tony watch where you're G-" I looked up to see it wasn't him. It was about around my height. He had brown hair, a beanie, and thick rimmed glasses. "Pardon me." He smiled. "You must be Sid." I smirked at him. He smiled bigger and nodded. "I've heard so much about you." I said, as he licked his lips. "I was just about to get a jacket and head downstairs." "-oh here." He said taking his jacket off. I blushed as he handed it to me. "Thank you." I slipped it on and realized it was really big on me. The sleeves fell over my hands. We looked at where my hands were supposed to be. We laughed. "So," he said, grabbing my hand. "Let's party."

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