three // the drive

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We got into his car and drove. He was charming. I hate to admit it. But I already do see a future with him. I should just hang out with him, you know, befriend him. I felt like I was just staring off into space like the awkward person I am, so I turned on the radio. "So.." He began. "Do you like food?" He asked. He laughed after he realized what he said. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I do." I shook my head. "Let's stop and get a bite to eat, yeah?" He said. "Yeah." I smiled and looked out the window. I stared out in the distance for a few seconds. I started to laugh again. "Do you like food?" I mocked him. He laughed as well. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were mocking me." He joked. "If i didn't know any better-" "fuck off." He said laughing so hard I could barely make out what he was saying.
He caught his breath. "You know, that's what I like about you," I took my attention off the scenery outside and turned my head to face him. "You can make me laugh." He smiled, looking at the road and then at me. I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you." I spoke soft. I turned the radio up a little and Sid started to hum along to a song playing. I admired him from the passenger seat. How his fingers tapped against the wheel. How he bobbed his head. I looked back towards the road ahead of us and joined him. And we did so the rest of the way there.

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