eight // sober up

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I woke up with Sid's scent on me. I questioned it and looked at the time.

10:50 pm

I got up and the pain struck my head hard. I walked slowly to the kitchen to get an aspirin. I saw Sid on my couch with a piece of paper in his hands. "Sid," I rubbed my temple. "What's that?" I pointed at the paper. "You gave this to me." He said, looking at me weird. "I what?" I panicked and grabbed it. I looked at him again. "You know." He nodded. I shook my head and smiled. "You weren't supposed to know." I said walking to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and brushed my teeth. I looked up at my reflection before returning to Sid.

"Can we just forget that even happened?" I asked him, shaking my head. "Yeah, if you want." He spoke. He laid a sheet of paper on the coffee table whilst standing up. "I should get going. Where's my jacket?" He said, looking around. "I'm wearing it." I said starting to take it off. "No, no. Keep it for now. I'll get it next time I see ya." He smiled. "So..tomorrow?" It was silent for a moment. "Yeah, pretty much." We both started to laugh. I stood to hug him. "Thanks for everything, Sid. I mean it." I smiled, holding him tighter. He mumbled something that I couldn't make out. "What?" "Hmm? I didn't say anything." He shot back. "Oh, okay." He smiled at me. "I'll let myself out, okay?" "Okay." He turned towards the door. He turned back to say something. "Yes, I'll ring you later." I read his mind. He nodded, laughing a little. "Okay, good." He turned and let himself out.

I looked down at the coffee table and saw the paper. I slowly picked it up and opened it. It had one sentence. One. In messy handwriting it read;

"I fancy you, too."

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